

Like everything in life... things have to be taken in moderation. I do get fustrated sometimes too with lack of keds but there is good ol' Righty waiting in the ranks to take over when such things happen. There's no need to bring about bad feelings over people's lack of understanding of one's needs.

Just remember...

Mother thumb and her four daughters are always willing to help.
I think my main issue was that I didn't have much interest in the woman other than for the attention she was giving me and her willingness to indulge my Keds fetish. When that went away, I decided I'd rather do something else than hang out with her. I booted her from the car at her doorstep, before we got going. I actually told her she had a choice, change her shoes and come with me, or don't and don't. She chose don't.
Re: your first time

I was planning to go to the park with a female friend of mine who used to wear Keds when we were together. On Sat, I went by to pick her up and she was wearing a pair of vans. I asked her to change them and she got pretty testy with me. I found myself getting angry and booted her out of the car. Anybody ever responded to the Keds issue like that before? I hate vans and cons. Actually I loathe them. I just didn't want to be around her in the vans. I'm not sure the relationship is repairable. It seems strange to me that I would have had such a visceral reaction to shoes. I am usually pretty easy going. For some reason, on that day, I decided I didn't want to be around anyone who didn't value Ked like I do. Comments?
You have guts to be that sure of yourself!
Re: your first time

The first time was just like the last time, rapid heartbeat increased breathig rate. Being in a house with 4 sisters and mom , there were sneakers every where, all keds or PF flyers. the closets seemed to have piles of them. If you were careful you could spy a pair on a line or drying on a picket fence post waiting to be liberated in a ninja style comando raid. then came the test did they fit and were they soft inside? Was the toe smooth from years of wear and the canvas supple? What did it do to your pulse when you stuck your nose inside the heel and inhale? As a kid a special place needed to be found that would conseal and protect the valuable booty. Now wearing them is saved mostly for the boat .
Re: your first time

Ahhh ... Memories!! It was 1988, and I was in 8th Grade. I remember distinctly putting on a pair of my sisters white pantyhose under my bluejeans, and taking the bus out to the mall.

I ended up at Mervyns, where they sold champs, back then for $14.99 if I recall correctly. I wore a size 10 in mens then, and the biggest size of Keds they carries at Mervyns was 11.

I picked the box out of the rack and went to the cashier shaking! I was mortified that she know they were for me, and she even asked! I told her they were for my girlfriend, and she said something to the effect of, "Aww, isn't that sweet!"

When I completed my purchase, I put them into my backpack, got back on the bus, and moved to the back, and tried on my new shoes. I put my old sneakers in my backpack and was sitting in the backseat of that buss literally trembling.

They were kind of tight, but the stockings helped. My heart was pounding though, and the adrenaline was so fluid! I had the biggest erection I think I had ever had in my life. I could smell that new-keds scent wafting up from the footwell. It was pure heaven.

That was just the first time of many many many to come ... All in all now, I've purchased over one thousand woman's shoes, and I only wear womans sneakers ever. And it's still very exciting. The only way I can reproduce that insane adrenaline is when I wear obviously women's shoes in public. The most insane rush recently was wearing a pair of glittery blue platform skechers in line at the bank with shorts.
Re: your first time

I'll always remember the time I first saw a pair of white keds champs lace-ups, in the window of an American clothing shop in Kensington High Street in London in the summer of 1983. I'd always loved white plimsolls but when I saw the keds I knew I had found true love. The feeling of tension followed by delighted relief when I found they had a pair in my size is something I'll never forget, along with how fabulous they felt and looked on my feet. There were plenty of sunny days in London in '83 and I had a fantastic time wearing my first pair of white keds with white ankle socks, along with a white short-sleeved shirt with the tails tied in a knot below my ribcage so my midriff was bare above my short denim shorts like girls did, under which I wore swimwear. I spent many happy afternoons sunbathing and reading in Holland Park, in my black speedos with my lovely gleaming white keds and white ankle socks. Happy days of long ago indeed.
Re: your first time

oh yes, mervyns...i had a similar experience, except that back in the early 90s i also had a thing for their own brand of knockoffs, pacific express.

in '93 i actually dressed up in a skirt and hose (quite badly, I think I sealed the deal with my regular old K-Swiss) and rode my bicycle to the mall. i was 15 then. i don't know what in the world i was thinking except that it was very cold and so i was very bundled up in like three coats. they were discontinuing the brand and so i got a white pair for $6.99. i found the nearest backlot i could and put those shoes on and rode my bike home in what must have been 30-degree weather (cold where i was from).

the past couple of years i have started going out (at night) in keds. of course, i have to be wearing a skirt or dress too. but yes, what an incredible mix of adrenalin and contentedness. i first would go to the local university and walk around campus - a good way to kind of get my courage up and practice without being seen by too many people. i worry i don't pass well.

this past week, though, i did what for me was a very brave thing and i stopped by a local coffee shop. they were having live music so there were tons of people...actually, it helped, because i didn't stand out (so much). i ordered a coffee and took it outside where i had a cigarette and every once in a while i would just peek down at my cute little black keds and smile. i am more worried about being recognized than harassed, i live in a very tolerant city for this type of behavior. it was liberating to be behind enough makeup and disguise that i didn't feel like i'd be recognized.

the feeling of wearing keds is incredible, but also the feeling of being an actor (actress?), being somebody else - i like that. in real life i don't smoke, i'm married and very happy. it is nice though to have a release for an urge that really doesn't ever go away. the urge for keds, that is...i go months or years without smoking, i actually can't even stand to be around smoke unless i'm in keds. weird but it is true.

i left the shop after it closed and went looking for another, but the only other one that was open...i was trying to find the womens' room, i couldn't, and so i got flustered and left. but i did take a very long walk and smoked quite a few more menthols while stopping under every streetlamp to look at my keds and smile again.
Re: your first time

There is something really weird here. Girls can dress up like tom-boys and no one thinks anything of it. They can readily find male clothing and footwear that fits them. Yet, the reverse is problematical in two ways, firstly finding items that will fit (unless one has small feet) and then it looks out of place. Somehow it just does not seem fair.
Re: your first time

I was planning to go to the park with a female friend of mine who used to wear Keds when we were together. On Sat, I went by to pick her up and she was wearing a pair of vans. I asked her to change them and she got pretty testy with me. I found myself getting angry and booted her out of the car. Anybody ever responded to the Keds issue like that before? I hate vans and cons. Actually I loathe them. I just didn't want to be around her in the vans. I'm not sure the relationship is repairable. It seems strange to me that I would have had such a visceral reaction to shoes. I am usually pretty easy going. For some reason, on that day, I decided I didn't want to be around anyone who didn't value Ked like I do. Comments?

It's sad when when relationships are damaged to that extent over something that potentially can give so much pleasure, especially shared. To my mind, much of the pleasure of seeing a lovely girl in keds or plimsolls is knowing that she has freely chosen to wear them; that at a certain point she thought to herself something like "I want to wear my keds today because when I wear them I feel pretty/sexy/feminine in a way I don't feel when I wear other shoes." I love the idea that girls in their own way get as much pleasure from wearing keds/plimsolls as much as guys do from seeing them and wearing their own. It's that freedom of self-expression that makes up such an important part of all that makes a girl attractive. I often wonder what it would have been like to have been fortunate to share my life with a plimsoll-loving girl. I hope I would have loved her for herself first and her plimsolls second. After all, it's the girl who wears the plimsolls that makes the plimsolls special. At least that's what I think.
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