
VIP Member
Jan 24, 2010
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One of the things I haven't seen on here in a while is a good Converse fantasy. I love a lot of the old ones, especially by Sweet_girl22au, so I decided to try my hand at writing one of my own. I started writing and the story got really long, really fast. I'll only post the first few chapters for now, but I plan on posting the rest soon. It starts with a lot of exposition, and later chapters get a lot more graphic. So if it's TL;DR, I apologize, feel free to skim.

Quick background on this. I really started discovering my fetish in middle/high school, and it has just grown from there. Converse became really popular, and almost every day there was a new girl who had a pair. It drove me wild to see a girl who I already knew and liked show up with her new chucks and show them off to her friends. Based on that, I wrote this story. It's greatly exaggerated and gets a little supernatural and kinky at times later on, but I hope you all like it.

Chapter 1

Katie had a lot on her mind as she pulled into her driveway Friday afternoon. She had a test Monday in Calculus, plus a load of reading to do for her English class. She didn’t understand why people always said your senior year was supposed to be a blowoff. Since September she had been so busy she had barely seen her friends outside school, and she certainly hadn’t succeeded in her goal of finally getting a boyfriend. Anytime she was attracted to a guy she would get flustered and wind up pushing him away before he even got the chance to be interested.
In addition to her schoolwork, Katie knew she had to start planning for the next week. As a member of student council, she had helped put together a program of events to keep students from going crazy during that long stretch between Christmas and Spring Break. She had posters to make, food to order, and a pep rally to organize. It was going to be a short weekend.

She stopped to open the garage door (her parents worked until nearly dinner-time), but noticed a package on the front doorstep. She dropped her backpack and flute case inside, and went out to get the mail. Her 18[SUP]th[/SUP] birthday had been a week before, and sure enough a few of the letters in the pile were addressed to her, and definitely had to be late birthday cards from distant family members. Walking back up the front walk she went in the front door to pick up the package. She was mildly surprised to see it was for her. She hadn’t ordered anything online, and she wasn’t expecting any more gifts (her thank-you note list was already full of the usual gift-givers). The return address didn’t tell her anything, as it appeared to be from an online store.

She walked inside, kicked off her flats, and dropped the mail on the kitchen counter, still looking at the breadbox-sized package. Pulling the cardboard open, she was greeted by a solid wall of wrapping paper. She pulled the wrapped box out, and looked back in the cardboard one. No card was present, just the second box wrapped in shiny blue paper with a pattern of stars on it. Still confused, but now more excited than anything, she decided to wait, and get comfortable before opening it. Her nice shoes had killed her feet, and her khaki pants were starting to itch. Still, she liked the way she looked; feminine, but very respectable. She sometimes got accused of looking like she was constantly on her way to a job interview, but she felt very grown-up. She threw on a tank top and some yoga pants (she would never be seen in public like that, but she needed to unwind, and she wasn’t planning on leaving the house until Monday), and eagerly went back to the kitchen.

She rolled the box over in her hands, trying to find any indication of who it was from. It looked like a shoebox, and she hoped it was the pair of heels she had pointed out to her mom in the mall last week. Finally, she gave up and started peeling the tape off the box. She wasn’t sure why, but she liked the pattern of stars and arrows on the paper, so she wanted to keep it in tact. Sure enough, the paper fell away to reveal a black shoebox, but her heart sank when she didn’t recognize it. Clearly these weren’t the heels, but what were they? Now the balance had shifted from excited back to confused, she popped the lid open.

“Uck,” was the sound she made when she saw inside. It was a pair of those Converse Chuck Taylor shoes people liked so much. She pulled them out of the box to get a better look. They were black canvas with white rubber sides and toes. The “classic,” style, people told her, but she had never seen the appeal. In fact, the only way they could be worse, she thought, would have been if they had been the high top style. Clearly whoever bought these didn’t know her at all. To her they were “punk shoes”. However, she felt a little bit bad when she realized that someone had bought them as a gift, and must have thought she would like them, even if they were wrong. She decided it would be rude to get rid of them, so she put the box in her closet, and planned to figure out the mysterious sender later.

The rest of her weekend went as planned, though she was happy to get to spend a few hours on Saturday with her friend Megan. Sunday night rolled around, and Katie climbed in bed relieved to have finished all her work to get ready for the busy week ahead. She sat up with a start and swore at herself under her breath. Despite all the work she put in toward this week’s events, she had managed to forget the very first one. Monday was to be 80s day, with all the students dressing up in clothes from the 1980s. Katie rolled her eyes; the purist in her knew that their 80s costumes were just excuses to wear tights and leg warmers, and were incredibly inaccurate. Regardless, she had to participate (she had helped plan it, after all). She groggily flipped on the closet light, and dug into the back, where all her rarely-worn clothes were. She pulled out a neon pink sweatshirt that hung off one shoulder, and a pair of black leggings with matching pink stripes that went partway down the leg. She hung them on her closet door, and flopped into bed. She thought to herself how the week was supposed to be fun…sure.

The alarm went off the next morning as always, and Katie rolled out of bed. She was not a morning person, contrary to what most people believed. She pulled her long blonde hair up into a crooked ponytail, and put on a lime green headband. She put on her 80s clothes, and though she thought she looked silly, at least she would be comfortable. After breakfast she went to the closet to put on her shoes. She frowned, remembering that she had just given away her old white running shoes, and had finally outgrown her Keds at the beginning of the year. She looked at her selection of black flats, heels, sandals, and her brand new Nike running shoes (a birthday present) and realized that it was perhaps the least “80s” selection possible. A box in her closet caught her eye, and she groaned, remembering the Converse she had grudgingly kept. Looking at her outfit she knew they were her only option, even though she didn’t like them. She pulled them out of the box, wondering if they were even the right size, and sat on her bed to put them on. Feeling inside them, she grabbed a pair of brightly colored socks and slipped the first one on her foot.

She jumped, nearly falling off the bed. As soon as she put her foot into the shoe, she felt her stomach drop, similar to standing in a fast elevator, or getting kissed by a cute boy. She held her stomach, regretting the combination of Eggo waffles and coffee that morning. A weird tingle lingered though, and she made a note to grab some Tums before leaving. She pulled the other shoe on (with no strange reaction this time) and looked at her feet. She felt weird wearing these shoes, but couldn’t help but notice that they were surprisingly comfortable, and fit her perfectly. She stood up, and her stomach jumped again, though less than before. Shaking her head, she grabbed her books and left for school.

Walking up to her locker, the first person to greet her was Megan. She had a cheetah vest and big, moussed up hair. She walked up with her heavily made up eyebrows raised. “Nice sneaks!” she said with a smirk. “I didn’t have you pegged for a Converse girl.”
*Twinge* Katie jumped again, though the feeling was starting to be more of a tingle and less of a lurch. “I’m not, they were a gift. They just worked with the outfit.” She replied with a scowl, noting again how well they fit her feet, and how comfortable they felt as she walked.
“Okay, well have you seen Jared Kane today?” Megan replied, and went on about a cute Senior guy who was dressed like Slash. Katie just nodded. Megan could go a little boy crazy sometimes, but Katie just went along with it because Megan was her best friend. Fortunately this one didn’t last long as their friend Ashley walked up and distracted Megan with boy talk of her own, though not before mentioning “Katie, I love your sneakers! Are they new?!”
*Tingle* Katie squirmed, but didn’t feel uncomfortable this time. “Good” she thought, “I can’t let my stupid breakfast ruin my day. At least that one didn’t make me feel sick.” She grabbed her notebook and headed off to Econ class. Walking, she couldn’t help but glance down every few steps at her shoes. She still didn’t like them, she knew that, but something about the flash of black and white kept catching her eye.
Wham. Suddenly, caught up in staring at her sneakers, Katie ran right into something and stumbled. She looked up and saw that she had just plowed into Kevin Dennis. He was scrawny, incredibly smart, but incredibly quiet. Katie was in a few classes with him and knew he was a really nice kid.
“I, I, I’m so sorry Katie,” he stammered.
“Oh no, no, Kevin, it was all my fault!” she replied. She felt awful that she had knocked him over, yet he was apologizing. “I need to watch where I’m going. Hey, I love your costume!” She exclaimed as she helped him up. He had a perfect Marty McFly costume, complete with the shiny multicolored hat. He looked down, blushing furiously.
“Thanks.” He said quickly, still staring at the floor. Katie could tell that he was thinking hard about something, when suddenly he blurted out “I think those shoes are really cute on you.” His eyes immediately grew round, clearly realizing what he had said, and his face turned a darker red than his jacket. He clearly wanted to run, but was frozen with embarrassment.

At his statement Katie noticed two things. First, she was mortified that it was so obvious that her sneakers were new, and very unlike her, that everyone seemed to be noticing. She just didn’t dress like that. Second, she felt that tingling sensation shoot through her again. She thought it was just her breakfast again, but this time it almost felt good. The confusion about that tingle, as well as the embarrassment she felt, made her so flustered that she just stood there, mouth half open, completely unsure what to say or do.

It was at that point that Kevin regained his composure, spun around, and began walking away quickly. Katie could even hear him muttering “stupid, stupid. Why” to himself. A few seconds later, it dawned on Katie that Kevin had just called her cute, and she had completely blown him off. She felt awful. First she runs the kid over, and then she ignores his compliment. She hurried off after him, trying to ignore the strange sensation that went through her body with each step she took. She caught up to Kevin at the end of the hall, and tapped him on the shoulder. He stopped, and cautiously turned his head, as though terrified of what he would find behind him. Katie could have sworn he actually squeaked when he saw her.
“Kevin,” she said, thinking carefully about what to say, “thank you.” She decided to leave it at that. She smiled to let him know it was okay. He still looked terrified, so she quickly changed the subject, asking him about his costume. This cheered him up, and they walked together to class chatting casually. He really was a nice kid, she thought, and she was flattered that he thought she was cute.

The rest of the day was much less exciting, but everywhere Katie went, somebody complimented her shoes. She even had Mr. Tooney, the theater director shout down the hall that he loved her Converse. All day, Katie felt that strange tingling. While initially it had been almost nauseating, by lunchtime she couldn’t help but feel bubbly and cheerful. She still hated those shoes though, even if she couldn’t stop staring at them.
It had been a strange day by the time she got home. Fortunately there was no package waiting at the door as she pulled in, and she noted that she was thankful she didn’t have to change today, as she was already really comfortable. Katie grabbed her laptop from her desk, sat on her bed, and started right into her homework. It was easy, and only took an hour or so. Relieved to be finished, she really just needed to unwind and release some of her pent up frustration.

She slid her laptop down her lap as her left hand made its way between her legs. She was surprising even herself; she had never masturbated before. However, it just felt right at the moment. She slid her hand over the crotch of her leggings, wondering why she had never even tried this. Soon, she plunged her hand into her underwear, running her fingers over her outer lips, brushing her clit. Finally she slid a finger into herself, and was amazed to feel the exact same tingling sensation that she had felt all day. Was that what real arousal felt like? She had never been with a guy, nor done anything with herself, so she couldn’t be sure. Soon, her leggings were in the way so she slid her laptop off herself so that she could take care of that. When she did, she froze. Looking down, she was still wearing her sneakers. She felt like she should be more surprised, but she was too aroused. Perhaps it was the finger she still had inserted in her pussy that was the problem, but a little part of her wondered how she had left those shoes on all afternoon.

Sitting up, she yanked them off her feet, feeling spasms through her body as she did. She threw them on the bed next to her, tore off her leggings, and laid back down, working her clit furiously. Softly moaning, she moved her hand up to her chest and began massaging her breasts. She remembered enough from sex-ed to know that nipples were sensitive, but she had severely underestimated how much. Her back arched, and she could feel her pussy dripping. She brought her other hand down to run along her clit and labia while her right hand kept it up on her breasts. She felt amazing. She had never been that interested in sex, but for some reason she was hornier than she could imagine. She loved the feeling of her nipples being softly rolled between her fingers, plus her other hand running up and down her slit. Every bump and ridge brushing her clit sent her further toward the edge…wait. Bumps and ridges? She couldn’t stop what she was doing, but looked down. To her amazement, she had apparently grabbed her left sneaker from the bed, and was rubbing the rubber toe over her pussy. What the hell? This was very strange, and perhaps a bit wrong. They were shoes! Not just that, but they were shoes she hated! Right? The tingling feeling through her body got so much stronger when she saw her sneaker pressing against her crotch. The sight was erotic and beautiful to her.

The more she felt the rubber on her clit, the more she was becoming dissatisfied with her hands on her breasts. She would be annoyed with herself later, but leaned over, grabbed her other Converse, and began caressing the diamond sole pattern over her nipple. She nearly screamed. Her whole body was writhing. Unfortunately, her nipples were inexperienced, and quickly became raw. She removed the sneaker from her chest, and stared at it. It still wasn’t something she wanted to wear, so why was she so damn aroused by them? She brought it up to her face, and sniffed. She nearly passed out with the wave of pleasure that ran through her. She kissed it on the toecap and felt another similar wave pass through. Finally, she stuck the toe straight into her mouth, and bit down on it while her tongue ran circles around the smooth toe, the ribbed sidewall, and the textured sole. She needed to focus both hands downstairs. Still not quite satisfied, and desperately wanting to experience her first orgasm, she used her right hand to spread her lips, lined up the shoe, and pressed it into herself. She had only ever had a few of her fingers and a tampon in there, yet her pussy accepted the toe of the sneaker nearly 2 inches. She spat the sneaker out of her mouth (but loved the feeling of it remaining sitting on her chest) and looked down at the shoe now slowly fucking her. She had lost all control at this point and pushed the sneaker into herself as far as it would go as her first ever orgasm ran through her. She shoved the other shoe back into her mouth just to keep herself from alerting the neighbors with her scream. She felt her fluids run over the toe of the Converse inside her, and with that she passed out.

Katie woke a few minutes later still coming down, but in total disbelief of what she had done. She writhed a bit, realizing that one of her sneakers was still inside her. She slid it out, trying not to arouse herself again, and grabbed the other. One still had saliva over the toe, while the glistened with the result of her orgasm. Unsure of what to do with them, she set them in her closet to dry, and climbed into bed. She was so confused, and just a little bit scared, of what had just transpired. On one hand it was the best feeling she ever had, but on the other hand, what was with those shoes? They had mysteriously appeared on her doorstep, and 2 days later she had shoved one in her vagina. Katie curled up under her covers, and went straight to sleep. It had been the strangest day of her life.
Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

Here is the second chapter. Things get both sexier and weirder in this one. Still solo, but that changes in Chapter 3, so hang on! (need to edit that)

Chapter 2
Katie awoke that morning feeling wonderful. She had never felt this good at 6am. While she definitely remembered the event of the night before, she wasn’t bothered by them. It was as though it was a different person who had gotten off on those stupid shoes, and she had merely watched. Besides, nothing was going to distract her today. The theme for Tuesday was Harry Potter, and everyone was dressing up like Hogwarts students. Even the teachers were getting excited for this, with at least one teacher working on a long beard, and another sewing her own robes. Katie had been planning her own outfit for a few days. She had found a uniform skirt, tie, and cardigan that were all black with blue and silver accent stripes. She was, of course, going to be a member of Ravenclaw. Add to the outfit a nice white blouse and a black robe from an old Halloween costume, and she could have been straight out of the movie. Excited to see how the whole ensemble looked together, she went to her closet and eagerly opened the doors.

She stopped, distracted by what lay on the ground in front of her. Her Converse were laying where she had left them, and the box was sitting next to them. However, she could have sworn that she had thrown the box into the back of her closet. Sure enough, she could see the corner of it sticking out between the clothes far in the back. Fearfully, she reached down a flipped open the box on the floor. She was shocked and scared to see a brand new pair of Chuck Taylors waiting in the box. These were high tops (“great” she thought, “even worse”) but instead of classic black, the canvas was dark blue. Katie sat on her bed, trying desperately to figure out how they got there. Someone had to have come into her room while she was sleeping, and that terrified her. They certainly weren’t there when she went to sleep.

But she couldn’t have gone to sleep right after she had masturbated. She had gotten home, done her homework, and then experimented with her shoes. It could only have been 5:00 at the latest. Her parents hadn’t gotten home, and she hadn’t eaten dinner.

It was then that it all came back to her. She remembered taking a nap after playing with her shoes, but then being woken up by the garage door indicating her Dad’s arrival. She had eaten dinner, and after dinner she had gone to the mall. Wait, why did she go to the mall?

“I bought these?” she actually said aloud. It was the strangest, and perhaps scariest, feeling she had ever had. She clearly remembered walking into the store, picking out the shoes, and putting them in the closet. What she didn’t remember was why she did it, nor did she remember choosing to do it. Again, it was as though she was watching someone else do those things. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Clearly she was being stupid. She was just tired and confused. After all, it was still early in the morning. Of course she had gotten them. She remembered it. Besides, she still didn’t want anything ruining today. She grabbed her stuff and headed to school.

Walking into school that day could only be described as ‘magical’. Everyone was wearing robes, and waving wands, while the teachers handed out arbitrary House Points. Katie smiled, remembering the student council meeting where she had come up with the idea. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, and she loved seeing everyone goofing around as she walked to her locker. Just then, a voice behind her got her attention.
“Well well, two pairs of Chucks in two days? Is our little Katie becoming a bit of a rebel?”

It was Megan, wearing her usual smirk, along with a similar school uniform, though it was green for Slytherin (and, Katie noted, much more revealing than hers). Confused how Megan knew about the hightops in her closet, Katie looked down. She nearly screamed to see that her Ravenclaw socks ran into the top of the blue hightop Converse. That strange tingle ran through her again, causing her to jump. Once again, Katie had to fight to remember. She had opened the box, sat on her bed, and put them on. Why didn’t she remember putting them on before? And why did she put them on? She distinctly remembered sitting and trying to remember buying them, but suddenly that memory included lacing them up and sliding the shoes on her feet.
“Y-yeah,” she said nervously, “they are Ravenclaw after all.” She tried to play it off as though she wasn’t completely freaked out. How could she describe this to Megan, after all? It would sound like she was losing her mind.

“Well, they totally work.” Megan replied, and Katie sighed with relief. Megan went on to talk about a really cute Cedric Diggory (actually it was Jason DeBlanc, and Katie was surprised he could even read the Harry Potter books, much less know any characters), while Katie once again zoned her out. She was focused on the strange sensation that had just started when Megan had first walked up. She now recognized the feeling, very similar to what she had felt the night before when she had gotten herself off. She really hoped that her masturbating hadn’t kick-started her sex drive. After all, it was only one time, and she still didn’t know how to feel about it.

She hurried off to class, again staring at her new sneakers. However, remembering what had happened last time, she did a much better job of watching where she was going. Sure enough, she met up with Kevin at the same spot as yesterday, but managed not to run into him. Today he was a Quidditch player, complete with what appeared to be a movie-replica broomstick. Katie smiled, remembering how he had told her how much he liked putting together costumes. He had loosened up since the day before, and seemed much less nervous to be talking to her. Still, she couldn’t help but notice how he kept staring at her outfit, especially her shoes. She had tried to make her costume authentic and accurate, but she finally noticed that she couldn’t help but being very sexy. Even though her skirt was almost to her knees, and her blouse was fully buttoned, she had the air of every sexy schoolgirl fantasy. The Converse, she thought, didn’t help.

Katie noticed Kevin getting quieter, and his face getting redder. She was confused, until she caught a glimpse of the bulge that had developed in his pants. She pretended not to see it, thankful for his sake that he had a long robe on that covered it up almost completely. Besides, she was realizing that she was right on the edge of being aroused herself, a feeling that had been building all morning. Her next class was small, and she sat at the back, so she told herself she could relax and refocus there.

Plopping down in her desk, Katie quickly realized that today’s lesson would be useless. In fact, the teacher knew everyone would be so distracted that he put in a mildly educational video about physics, and sat at his desk (Katie suspected that he fell asleep). With the lights out, Katie decided to take this opportunity to take a closer look at her shoes. She barely remembered buying them, nor did she really remember putting them on, so she wanted to really examine them. She turned sideways in her desk so that her back was to most of the room, and leaned down. They looked just like the others, except went up her ankle. She looked closely at the ankle patch, barely able to read the words “Converse All Star” as well as the Chuck Taylor signature, in the dark room. Between the darkness in the room and the video playing at the front, she decided to risk being unladylike and brought one foot up into her lap. Her skirt had fallen open, but nobody could see, and she was too focused on these strange shoes to care. Katie figured the only reason she hadn’t completely freaked out this morning is because they matched her outfit so well. As she looked closer, she could feel the tingling get stronger, and move lower. Out of curiosity, she took one finger and ran it down the side of the shoe, from the toe to the heel.

Thank god for good timing, because at that moment there was a loud noise on the video, which covered up her squeaky gasp. The minute she had touched the shoe, she could have sworn she felt something run along the outside of her panties. She glanced around to be sure nobody noticed, and quickly peeked up her skirt. There was nothing there. Carefully, she touched her sneaker again. Sure enough, she felt an amazing stimulation between her legs. Combined with the tingling she had felt all day, she suddenly felt hornier than she had ever felt in her life. Taking another cautious look around, she began running her fingers up and down her shoe at a constant rhythm, gently caressing each eyelet and the ankle patch, and noting the areas between her legs that corresponded. At this point, Katie was sure that she was either dreaming or had completely lost her mind. Then she touched the toe cap. She had to bite her pencil to keep from moaning. As soon as her fingertip touched the rubber, she felt it directly in her clitoris. She could feel herself approaching the point of no return, so she surreptitiously licked two of her fingers, and began furiously rubbing the toe of her sneaker. The addition of saliva completely changed the feeling on her clit. Needing even more contact, she pulled the shoe farther into her lap, and jammed the heel against her panties. She continued to rub furiously on the toecap, and grind her crotch onto her heel as the second orgasm of her life rolled through her. She was incredibly grateful that it was less messy than the first, but was still glad she had a skirt, as pants would have easily shown a wet spot.

When class ended she had just finally recovered back to a dull tingle, but was in silent disbelief of what had just happened. Not only did she just masturbate in school, she had done it with those stupid shoes again! She couldn’t even wrap her head around what had happened with the sneakers. She couldn’t figure out any good reason why she would have been so turned on, or why she would have been able to cum from rubbing her shoes. She was confused, but not nearly as scared as she thought she should have been. She realized that something incredibly strange had just happened, but still felt surprisingly upbeat and cheerful. Try as hard as she could, she couldn’t help but feel good any time she was wearing her new sneakers.

“What up Kate?” A sharp poke in the back jerked her back into reality as she walked into the hallway. Looking behind her, Megan had walked up and poked her with her toy wand. Katie smiled, and did her best to resist looking at her own shoes, and ignore the interesting sensation that continued in her underwear.

“Hey, so what’s the plan for tomorrow?” Megan asked. Katie had to think, and quickly remembered that Wednesday was Twin Day. Each student would pick a twin and dress identically. Of course, Megan and Katie were going to be twins. It would be fun, but not as exciting as the first two days, and may leave out people who didn’t have a twin to dress up with.

“I don’t know.” Katie replied, “We need to figure out our outfits. Shopping tonight?”
“Sure. Besides, I need to fit in with your new style,” Megan joked. “I don’t own any Converse.”
Katie did her best to laugh appropriately, but inside she was still uncomfortable about the subject. However, when she opened her mouth to give a witty reply, she instead heard herself say

“Well then we need to fix that, don’t we?”

Katie had no idea why she had just said that, but for some reason she didn’t want to take it back. Megan’s reaction was also not what she had expected. Instead of her usual cheery laugh or snarky reply, Megan appeared to be confused about something. She shook it off quickly, looked back at Katie and stammered “Y-yeah. Okay. Sure. Meet you at 6.” Then she hurried off, her eyebrows furrowed, clearly trying to figure something out.

Normally Katie would have been concerned, but at this point she just felt too good. Even the events of the last period didn’t bother her. On the contrary she was starting to remember them fondly. She was mostly relieved to have the feeling of confusion and uneasiness subside, but there was still a tiny part of her struggling to understand what was happening to her. Even now, when she couldn’t help but stare at her own Converse, she was realizing that she was staring longingly. That little part of her mind was also telling her that the shoes weren’t “her,” and that she didn’t wear clothes like that, but overall she really felt that these sneakers were growing on her.

Katie heads for her locker, and is surprised to see Kevin standing nearby. She could tell he was trying not to stare at her, but once again, the bulge under his robe was giving him away. He was clearly incredibly nervous for something, and Katie quickly found out what it was.
“K-katie, I was just wondering if you, you know, would like, maybe want to, I don’t know, sometime, go…” he stumbled to get the words out.
“Kevin,” Katie said with a smile, “Are you trying to ask me out?”
Kevin closed his eyes, and with as much confidence as he could muster said “Yes.” She could tell that he was relieved to just get it out, and she was very surprised he was able to even ask.
“Kevin, I would love to.” She said, beaming. “Now, I already have plans with Megan tonight, but how about a movie tomorrow night?” She had never seen Kevin look as surprised and happy. He nodded furiously, and Katie couldn’t resist leaning up and kissing him on the cheek before saying goodbye. She was almost in the parking lot, and could still see him standing there, shocked, one hand touching the spot on his cheek where she had kissed him.
Katie couldn’t have been more excited. She hadn’t been on a date since middle school, and even that barely counted. Kevin was without a doubt the nicest boy she knew, and over the past few weeks a little part of her had started noticing that he had definitely gotten cuter this year. Getting home, she threw off the robe and the tie, and shut her bedroom door. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and smiled. No wonder Kevin was so nervous to talk to her today, she thought, she was stunning. She hadn’t seen the appeal of a schoolgirl outfit before that day, but she noted that there were a lot of things that she never used to like that she suddenly found herself attracted to.

She watched herself in the mirror as she slowly unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall away. She then slowly worked the skirt over her hips and let it fall. Left only in her bra, panties, long socks, and hightop sneakers, she found herself wishing that Kevin were there to see her. As she let the last layer of clothing fall off her, she couldn’t help but note that the female body was a bit of a turn on for her, even if it was just her own. She was especially attracted to the combination of her naked body and her sneakers. She found herself absentmindedly running her hands over her hardening nipples and down between her legs. She really wanted to experiment more with what had happened today in class. She grabbed the black lowtops from her closet and set them on the bed next to her. She put both feet in the air and began rubbing her Chucks-clad feet together. She felt the pleasure building deep inside her as she felt the rubber squeak and grab. She ran her shoe up the other leg, appreciating the feel of the textured sole on her skin. She was well and truly wet by now, and unlike previous times, she was eager to continue. Feeling a distinct emptiness in her pussy, she looked at the black pair and instantly wanted something inside her. She grabbed one and began to rub herself with it. The rubber instantly glistened with her juices, and it wasn’t long until she pointed the toe at her opening and pushed. She loved the feeling of the toecap entering her, filling her up. This time, her pussy opened even farther, and she was able to fit the shoe nearly halfway in. She slowly slid the shoe in and out of herself, looking over at herself in the mirror. Her long blonde hair was messy by now, and her nipples were sticking straight out. Most importantly, from this angle she was able to see the blue Converse on her feet, as well as the one sticking halfway into her pussy. She surprised herself when she started moaning, mostly because she found herself imagining Kevin there with her. She whispered his name to herself, and she imagined it was him fucking her instead of her own shoe.

Looking over, she saw her other black Chuck looking lonely and unlicked, so she decided to fix that. She bent her knees and pulled her heels in until she was able to squeeze the shoe in her pussy between the shoes on her feet. This added that mysterious stimulation she got from touching the pair she was wearing, and she was able to move her feet enough to continue screwing herself at a slow pace, leaving her hands free. She could then grab the other black shoe and bring it up to her face. She kissed it imagining how she wanted to kiss Kevin, and then slowly began running her tongue over it. The taste and smell were intoxicating, and the sensory overload was bringing her very close to climax. She could feel this one was going to be messy, so she quickly untied one of her blue sneakers, and removed the black one from her dripping pussy. She rolled over and got up on all fours, using one hand to press the sole of the blue hightop hard against her clit. She took the black sneaker covered in her juices and shoved it in her mouth, as she had the last time. She found she really enjoyed the taste of herself. Finally reaching her boiling point, she screamed into her sneaker gag as she felt herself squirt all over the sole of her new Chucks. She collapsed into the pile of Converse, her naked breasts heaving from the energy she had put into that orgasm. She took off the last remaining shoe, and picked up each shoe individually, giving each one a loving kiss before lining them up on the bed next to her. Looking at the clock, she had a few hours before she had to meet Megan, so she set an alarm and let herself drift off. This time there was no apprehension, no fear, and no self doubt. She felt for the first time that she truly loved those shoes. With this thought, she dozed off for a nap.

To Be Continued
Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

This is probably my favorite chapter I've written so far. Way less exposition! Here ya go:

Chapter 3
Katie was up from her nap before the alarm went off. Feeling refreshed from all the work she put into cumming, she hopped out of bed enjoying the free air of her naked body. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and made a sexy face in the mirror. Laughing to herself, she grabbed her phone so that she could text Kevin. She was really enjoying talking to him, even when she wasn’t imagining doing dirty things to him. Checking the clock, she decided it might finally be time to put some clothes on. Throwing open her closet doors, she quickly flipped through the hangers of her usual clothes. Blouses, khakis, blazers, and a number of other dressy clothes made up the majority of her closet. Katie frowned, wondering what she was going to wear, until she remembered that she was going to the mall anyway. She pulled out a pair of khaki capris, a white tanktop, and a white blouse. She took her time deciding on which pair of shoes she wanted to wear, carefully examining both pairs of Converse with her fingers, lips, and tongue. Deciding she liked the taste of the black ones better, she threw them on, sent another flirty text to Kevin (she could practically see him blush reading it), and jumped in her car.

Her heart was pounding when she pulled into the mall parking lot. The idea that her best friend might get her own pair of Converse was getting her pretty hot. She met Megan in the food court, and they set off giggling on their shopping trip. Nobody said they HAD to restrict themselves to only one outfit, and they hadn’t been shopping in a long time. The ogled some of the outfits in the windows, but decided to keep looking. Just as Katie started to wonder how she was going to get the whole Converse plan in motion, she felt Megan dragging on her arm. She turned to see that she was being pulled into a Journey’s, and Megan’s sights were set directly on the Chuck Taylor display. Katie could see an unusual look in Megan’s eyes that was usually reserved for cute boys and post-breakup ice cream. For the first time that week, Katie didn’t have to play it cool around Megan. They each looked at all the styles and colors. Megan took a funny self-shot photo holding up a pair of black lowtops, gently kissing them. Katie felt her panties dampen at the sight. Megan loved the black lowtops, but still felt like there had to be a more exciting pair. Sure enough, she held up a pair of hot pink lowtops that caused them both to squeal with girly excitement (and, at least in Katie’s case, another kind of excitement as well).

Katie was eager to add the pink sneakers to her collection, but was surprised when Megan grabbed both the pink and the black pairs and headed to the seats. A cute sales boy walked up and Megan flashed her smile, asking if she could try on the black pair in size 7.5. He returned quickly with a box, and Megan slid her flip-flop off, and extended her foot. Katie could tell that he wasn’t accustomed to actually helping clients try on shoes, but for these two (extremely) pretty girls, he was willing to try. Loosening up the laces, he knelt down and did his best Prince Charming, as Megan slid her foot into the sneaker. Katie watched longingly as he tightened the laces up the shoe, and pressed his thumb into the toe to see how the sizing was. Katie licked her lips, wishing she could be the one feeling his hands on her shoes (and therefore her pussy as well). She really hoped her date with Kevin went well so that she could have him do that to her someday. She was snapped out of her fantasy by her own soft moan, which she quickly realized wasn’t hers. Glancing over she saw Megan with her eyes closed, biting her lip, her fingers digging into the arms of the chair. When the sales boy finished, he backed away sort of awkwardly, trying to judge Megan’s reaction. She opened her eyes and looked down, and her face lit up. Lifting her foot up for a better view, she rotated her ankle around, trying to get every view of the brand new sneaker. The black canvas contrasted beautifully with the clean white rubber, and though Katie felt a twinge of disappointment that hers no were no longer that perfect, she smiled remembering the fun she had with that pair. They had the sales boy go back and get each of them a pair of the pink ones as well, though Megan insisted on wearing the black pair out of the store (as well as having the sales boy put the other one on her). While waiting for Megan to check out, Katie saw her write something extra on her receipt, and whisper something to the sales boy. His eyes got wide, and Katie could have sworn he saw Megan wink before turning around.

Katie envied Megan as they walked out of the store. She was showing all the signs of having those lovely little tingling sensations that Katie now experienced, with none of the apprehension or confusion. It appears that whatever had changed about Katie was also changing in Megan, though much more smoothly. She could see Megan’s hips move, and mouth water with each step. They giggled about being matching a day early, as they put an arm around one-another and walked staring down at the four beautiful matching sneakers beneath them. Having already dressed their feet, Katie decided that it was Megan’s turn. Plus, Katie needed a new style, and Megan knew just the thing. They went into GAP and grabbed a few pairs of jeans that hugged Katie’s legs, but flared just a little at the bottom, as well as a pair of skinny jeans, which Megan assured her were essential to wear with Chucks.

While walking through the mall, they heard a familiar voice from behind them, and turned to see Ashley, along with their friends Kelsey and Maddy, waving from a few storefronts down. They smiled and walked over, not surprised to see the girls at the mall (their usual haunt).
“Shopping for your Twin Day outfit?” Ashley asked, already carrying a few bags of her own.
“Yup! It’s gonna be good!” Katie replied with a smile.
“Let me guess,” Ashley said, “you’re both going to wear Converse?” She pointed at their matching shoes.
“You know it!” Megan chimed in, “Oh Ashley they’re amazing! You really need to get some!”
Just like Megan, Katie saw Ashley’s eyes slip out of focus, then quickly shake it off.
“Hmm, I might have to check them out.” Ashley replied, her eyes never leaving their feet. She hurried off with her friends, the three of them clearly in discussion about something. Katie smiled, knowing that Ashley and Kelsey’s Twin outfit might include a little something extra now.

Next they went to one of the big department stores to look for fun tops, specifically matching ones to wear the next day. They wandered through the women’s section, until Katie heard Megan shout from the other side of the rack. Katie hurried around (enjoying the feeling radiating up from her feet as she jogged) to see what Megan had found.
“Oh Katie, it’s so perfect!” Megan said, with all the eager excitement of a kid at a toy store. Until she saw that rack, Katie had no idea that Converse made clothing, but right in front of her was a whole section of cute tees and accessories all featuring the Chuck Taylor patch, or a Star and Chevron logo that Katie recognized. It was the same pattern as the wrapping paper that contained the shoes she was currently wearing: the shoes that had started all this. A week before Katie might have been stunned, but now it simply made sense. Rather, she found herself especially attracted to a black tanktop featuring a white Converse logo. She couldn’t help but laugh when she noticed Megan had already grabbed the same shirt. Sometimes they really were twins. Additionally, they agreed to each get the same pink tee shirt with a big white Chuck Taylor patch across the chest that perfectly matched their new pink chucks. Carrying their items, as well as their recent purchases, they headed to a dressing room. Goofing around and giggling, Megan headed into the big dressing room at the end, and Katie started into the one next to it.

“Come on, silly, we are supposed to be twins here!” Megan said, and yanked Katie into the big stall. Katie had barely shut the door when Megan dropped her shorts and stepped out of them, keeping her black sneakers on. Katie groaned in her head, suddenly wishing she knew what her friend’s shoes tasted like. Megan pulled off her shirt quickly, leaving her in nothing but a black bra, matching panties, and her brand new Chucks. Katie was worried that her panties might actually drip.

“Well come on, sis, we’ve gotta be sure we match! We can do a little fashion show!” Megan shook her hips a little as she turned back toward the pile of shopping bags, and Katie instantly felt the need to get out of her clothes. Quickly pulling her shirt off, she struggled a little with her capris, trying to pull the skinny leg over her sneaker whilst staring at Megan’s shoes. Megan knelt down to dig further, and Katie couldn’t help but notice that Megan was rubbing her shoes together a little as she worked to find her clothes. Her heart racing, Katie decided to take a huge chance. Hoping she had been right earlier, she quickly licked three of her fingers, bent down, and gently slid them along the side of one of Megan’s chucks. Megan gasped and fell forward into the bags, one hand holding the front of her panties. Even with her hand in the way, she was clearly very wet and it was Katie’s turn to smirk.
“Katie, what, what was that?” Megan said, trying to sound innocent.
“What was what?” Katie said, and ran the toe of her own Converse up the sole of Megans. Once again Megan moaned, though this time she didn’t try to hide anything. Her back arched and the hand that was previously hiding her crotch was now gently rubbing it. Katie peeked outside to make sure nobody was around, and sank to her knees.
“I’m just looking at your shoes, Megan,” Katie said innocently as her face hovered an inch from Megan’s chucks. Her tongue flicked out and send Megan reeling again. “I really don’t see what the big deal is.” Her voice was breathy with anticipation. Finally giving up the charade of innocence, she opened her mouth and slid it over the toe of Megan’s sneaker. Megan moaned and arched, finally giving up and sliding her hand into her ruined underwear to get better access to her pussy. Katie couldn’t even get her lips past the white toe, but went to town with her tongue, doing her best to give Megan’s Converse a blowjob.

“Oh god, Katie, I’m gonna cum. I’m, gonna, cum!” Megan screamed as her first orgasm hit. Her words became incoherent as she bucked, and Katie had to grab her foot to be sure she didn’t lose a tooth. However, she didn’t let up on Megan’s sneaker. By this point she was doing it for herself. Megan recovered much quicker than Katie expected, and Katie looked up just in time to notice that Megan had ditched her bra before she was pulled up into a forceful kiss. She had never kissed a girl before, but in her current state she found it nearly as sexy as the sneakers she wore. The heat and moisture of Megan’s lips felt amazing, and her eyes widened as Megan’s tongue slid its way into her mouth. Getting over her initial shock, she started using her own tongue to play with Megan’s, and pushed into her best friend’s mouth as soon as she got an opening. Megan’s hands had worked their way up her ass, and one was creeping toward her chest. Pulling Megan tight, Katie loved the feeling of Megan’s skin against her, not to mention their sneakers rubbing together as their legs intertwined. Megan had finally reached her bra strap, and Katie felt the familiar Pop of the hook being released. Without breaking their lips apart, Katie pulled her bra off and let their nipples rub together. Megan began to rub her thumb gently around Katie’s areolas and Katie gasped a little, biting Megan’s lip. Her hands crept up Megan’s leg, and their bodies both shook as her fingers brushed Megan’s outer lips. Suddenly, Megan grabbed Katie’s shoulders and pushed her down onto the pile of shopping. Katie was shocked until she saw the smirk on her face.

“It’s my turn now, sis.” Megan cooed. Bending down, she began caressing both of Katie’s Chucks with her fingers. Standing back up, she put her thumbs in her waistband and slowly pulled her panties over her hips revealing her glistening snatch. Katie couldn’t help but start fingering herself at the sight. Megan knelt down and brought her mouth down onto the toe of Katie’s right sneaker. Katie instantly felt her pussy churn as the stimulation ran from her foot straight to her crotch. Working Katie’s shoe like a pro, Megan looked up to watch her progress. Slowly, she began kissing up Katie’s ankle and calf. Katie writhed with anticipation and excitement. When Megan’s mouth reached Katie’s vagina, Katie nearly went through the roof. Megan’s tongue swirled around her clit, and darted in and out of her hole. Katie grabbed Megan’s hair and pulled her in tighter as she moaned.

Quickly, Megan straightened Katie’s leg and sank her pussy onto the toe of her shoe. She screamed into Katie’s pussy as the combined stimulation sent Katie reeling into an earthshattering orgasm. She felt her cum spray into Megan’s mouth and saw it drip down off her chin.
Collapsing into their bags of clothing, the girls couldn’t help but start laughing. Cuddling their naked bodies together, they kissed lovingly, still giddy about what had just happened.
Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

Ch. 3 Continued:

“So I guess you’ve noticed the ‘perks’ of wearing these shoes?” Katie asked jokingly
“Oh my god yes.” Megan said, “I can’t believe you’ve been that horny for two whole days and haven’t done anything about it.”
“Oh, I’ve done something about it. Several times. Just not with anyone else.” Katie replied, punctuating it with a kiss on Megan’s cheek.
“Haha, Kevin isn’t gonna know what hit him tomorrow” Megan remarked. Katie smiled, remembering her date, but doubting things would get this heavy.
Cleaning up their clothes, they put their wrinkled clothes back on, and left the dressing room. It reeked of sex, and they didn’t envy the next person who had to use it. They headed to the checkout to purchase their clothes (Katie realized they didn’t take advantage of any of their Converse clothes, nor did they use the two perfectly good pairs of pink Chucks in their bags). As they walked down the mall, they noticed quite a little crowd of girls swarming around the Journey’s Converse display. It appears that not only had Megan’s advice to Ashley taken hold, but Ashley had talked to all of her friends as well. Sure enough, Ashley, Maddy, and Kelsey soon appeared out of the ladies room, each sporting red, purple, and black Converse respectively. Katie smirked, noticing that their clothes were distinctly more disheveled than the last time they had seen each other. She also noticed that the cute sales boy at Journey’s was sporting a brand new pair of Chucks himself, as well as an incredibly obvious boner, no doubt due to the swarm of girls asking him to help them try on sneakers. She suddenly suspected she knew what Megan had whispered to him.
“Sorry about your boyfriend Meg,” Katie joked, “it looks like your competition overwhelmed him.”
“Don’t worry,” Megan replied, checking her phone and smiling, “I happen to know he’s interested. Let’s go get some food, but we have an appointment at 8.”
They sat on a bench and snacked on pretzels, watching the flock of girls at the shoe store slowly disperse. They giggled with excitement as they watched the population of Converse in the mall steadily grow. Katie estimated that Ashley had contacted at least 10 other girls within the past half hour. It was amazing to see how fast it spread, each girl leaving the store sporting brand new sneakers and a beaming smile. Finally, 8pm rolled around and the PA announced that the mall would be closing. The sales boy served the last of the girls, and closed the security grate halfway to indicate the store was closing. Standing up, Megan beckoned to Katie, saying “let’s step into the office.”
Katie smiled, puzzled at what Megan was planning. Ducking under the gate, the sales boy looked up from the register and smiled at Megan.
“Katie, Steven. Steven, Katie.” Megan said, introducing her newest boy toy. “Hurry up and finish this so we can get to the back,” she added.
“The back?” Katie asked, suddenly concerned about what she had gotten herself into. She followed the lovebirds into the back, where she gasped seeing sneaker boxes stacked to the ceiling. She wanted to point it out to Megan, but she was too busy sticking her tongue down Steven’s throat. Katie blushed, but she was too excited by her surroundings to say anything. Her thoughts suddenly strayed to her date with Kevin, again hoping she would get a similar experience.

Megan pulled Steven down so that she was sitting in a nearby chair, and pushed him away with her foot in his chest. He took the cue and grabbed her ankle, beginning to smell and caress her shoe. Her other foot worked up his leg and began to massage his enormous bulge through his jeans. He moaned and began to run his tongue over the black piping around her shoe. She gasped, smiled mischievously, and pulled crotch in to her face. Looking up at his face eagerly, Megan unbuckled his belt and slid down his jeans and boxers. His rock hard cock popped out and slapped her in the face. Katie gasped, but Megan burst out laughing. Biting her lip, she slowly wrapped her fingers around it, receiving a groan from Steven. Never breaking eye contact, Megan leaned forward with her mouth slightly agape, and placed the head of his penis just touching her slack lips. She cocked an eyebrow, waiting for a reaction. Steven groaned at the sight, and Megan took it as her cue to slide her mouth as far as she could over his dick. Her jaw muscles churned as she worked her tongue over the cock in her mouth. Katie stayed off to the side, but her interest was piqued. She had already decided to stay out of their fun, but was definitely taking mental notes.

Megan began working her head up and down Steven’s cock, and his breaths became quicker. Pulling her brownish-red hair back, Megan looked up at him again and shook her head slightly. She wasn’t ready for him to be done yet. Popping off of Steven’s member, Megan deftly pulled her tight shirt off, and leaned back in the chair. Holding up her legs, Steven swiftly pulled her pants off over her shoes and dove face first into her crotch. He began kissing just below her belly button, and worked his way teasingly around her panties. She gasped and giggled, before grabbing his hair and pulling him into her sweet spot. Pulling her panties to the side, his tongue plunged into her pussy inciting another round of ecstatic gasps. Megan purred, running her hands over her bare breasts. Feeling creative, Steven groped toward the nearest shelf, and pulled over a familiar box. Keeping his tongue in Megan’s snatch, he flipped the box open to reveal a small pair of red Converse. Wrapping his lips around her clit and sucking, he pressed the toe of one of the converse against the lips of Megan’s pussy. Arching and biting her lip, Megan had to try not to scream as she felt the rubber sole gently rubbing her most tender areas. Looking down at Steven and the other shoe, Megan did her best to indicate with her eyes what she wanted to see. Taking the very subtle hint, Steven kept his mouth in place, and slid his dick into the other red sneaker. Seeing him fuck the shoe sent Megan reeling, and she quickly pulled him up and knocked the sneaker away from her crotch. Grabbing him by the Converse on his cock, she lined up the sneaker and wrapped her legs around his back. With the heel cupping his balls, Steven thrust his sneaker clad dick into Megan’s pussy. Again, her vagina seemed unnaturally eager to swallow the sneaker, and took it all the way in. (Katie had noticed this phenomenon recently, that her shoes fit perfectly in her pussy, though fingers and other objects felt just as tight as ever. )

Desensitized slightly by the shoe, Steven was able to plow into Megan furiously, bringing her to a cascade of orgasms, helped along by him pulling her legs to his face and lapping at her sneakers. Katie’s panties were drenched watching the little red shoe plunge in and out of her friend. When Steven’s face began to contort, Megan pushed him away and dropped to her knees. Pulling the shoe off his cock she quickly replaced it with her mouth as his breathing became quicker and more excited. She reached back and pulled her own sexy little black Chucks off. She held each one up next to her face and gave Steven the cutest, most innocent little smile she could manage. Grabbing his own dick, Steven began to spew gobs of cum onto her lips and cheeks, as well as across the toes and laces of her Converse. His eyes widened as more and more spurts continued to spray out. He was able to give all three targets a healthy dose before finally fizzling out and collapsing back into the chair. Megan stood up and slid her shirt on, careful not to disturb the coating on her face. Smiling at Steven, she thanked him (for the sex, and for the cum) and cooed at her cum covered shoes. Dabbing her tongue onto one of the gobs of cum, she shuddered with excitement, and slid her feet into each sneaker. She indicated to Katie that it was time to leave, saying that she would text Steven later.
“Bye Megan. Nice to meet you Katie.” He gasped from the chair. “By the way girls, any other shoes you might want from now on are on the house.” He gave up trying to talk and just waved.

Katie and Megan squealed, and raced down the aisles of the storeroom to look at the unlimited supply of free shoes. Megan grabbed a pair of sky blue high tops, while Katie felt adventurous. She grabbed a pair of knee-high black Converse, as well as a pair of Batman Chucks she thought Kevin might like. She looked forward to giving them to him on their date, and hopefully enjoying them later. Megan still had nearly half of her face covered in strings of cum (not to mention the pools on her laces and rubber toes) when they finally left the store, now fully burdened with new clothes and shoes.
Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

I hope there's more cause this is a great story 🙂
Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

Thanks for all the good feedback! I've got one more full chapter (I hope to post it tonight) plus another in progress. Unfortunately, I'm running into a bit of writer's block. Don't worry, I'll power through it, this story is long from finished.
Therefore, is there anything you guys/gals want to see (or rather, read)? I've got a lot of room to expand this story, and I'm more than willing to take requests!

Seriously, I have a vague idea of where this is going, and it's going to need a lot of new stuff to stay fresh.
Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

Chapter 4

Katie awoke the next morning excited. She was excited to see Megan (though she hoped she had finally wiped the cum off her face), and she was especially excited for her date with Kevin. She had slept with all her chucks in her bed, and was really liking the look of her newest pairs (the pink lowtops and the black kneehighs). Now that her collection had reached 4 pairs, she was able to make a nice little nest of sneakers. Popping out of bed, she showered and went to her closet to get ready for Twin Day. She giggled with excitement seeing her new cute pink Converse shirt. She pulled it on, loving the way it fit over her round breasts, showing them off perfectly. She pulled on a cute pair of black cotton short shorts, and white knee high socks with pink stripes around the top. Megan and her had agreed upon their whole appearances, and had decided to go for a little more of a teeny bopper look than they had initially planned. The finishing touch was lacing up her brand new little pink sneakers, and pulling her blonde hair up into pigtails. Wiggling her toes in her new Converse, she thought to herself that she might never get tired of the feeling of brand new Chucks.

She met Megan outside school, and couldn’t believe how amazing Megan looked in her booty shorts and sexy little sneakers. They walked into school arm in arm, and were met with a chorus of wolf whistles by every guy (and a few girls) they walked past. Due to the special circumstances of Twin Day, the school had agreed to let each set of “twins” stick together all day, provided that they were still responsible for any homework assigned in any of their classes. Nonetheless, teachers had pretty much given up trying to teach anything new due to the distraction of the extra students. In fact, many of the teachers had paired up and agreed to combine classes for the day. It was a clusterfuck, but everyone was enjoying themselves, so the school let it slide. Once they arrived, Megan and Katie headed off to find their other friends. Immediately they ran into Ashley and Kelsey, each clad in tight jean shorts, white blouses (each showing a surprising amount of cleavage compared to normal) and, to nobody’s surprise, black hightop Converse.
“Hey girls!” The friends chorused as Megan and Katie walked up. They laughed and hugged, and complimented each other’s outfits (focusing mostly on the shoes, of course). Despite the fact that Katie had seen the crowd at the shoe store the night before, she was amazed at the number of girls wearing Converse today. Everywhere she looked she saw different styles and colors of the sneakers. She was surprised at some of the girls who had gotten them too, until she remembered how she used to feel about them. She shuddered to think how boring things would be now without the constant stimulation she received from taking a step, or brushing her toe against her leg. She snapped out of her daze when she saw another set of “twins” walking up. Maddy and her friend Kenzie had taken the lax dress code to dress up in especially short, tight little black dresses, complimented by red lowtop Converse (Katie snickered, wondering if either of them had gotten the pair used to fuck Megan during their adventure in the back storeroom). These girls were younger, only sophomores, but Maddy usually hung out with older students, and was definitely in Katie’s close friend group. Katie loved the way their legs looked in the dresses and chucks. Their conversation was cut short by the warning bell, but Katie looked forward to going to class with Megan all day. She and Megan agreed to go to Katie’s first period class, because she shared it with Kevin.

“Hey Katie!” she heard Kevin’s voice from the crowd of students hurrying to class. He waved as the girls walked over. Megan inhaled sharply when she saw that he was twins with Bobby Daniels. Katie was sure that Megan had his name on a list in one of her notebooks. She was impressed that Kevin had such cool friends. The boys were wearing their matching Chicago hockey jerseys and jeans. Katie sighed a little seeing that he was wearing his usual running shoes. This needed to change. Surprising him by giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek, she whispered in his ear how excited she was for their date that night, and that she had a surprise for him. She opened her bag and pulled out the Batman Converse she had grabbed at Journeys. Kevin’s eyes lit up. Even Bobby was jealous.
“Katie, these are amazing!” Kevin said, nearly drooling on the shoes. “But I can’t put them on now, because they don’t work for twin day.” Katie’s heart sank. Of course, she thought, she should have realized that his twin wouldn’t have them. She sighed, resigning herself to waiting for the date tonight to see the effect the new shoes had on her crush.

“Hah! Lucky you brought me along then, isn’t it!” Megan exclaimed. Digging in her backpack, she pulled out an identical pair of Batman Chucks and presented them to Bobby. “I thought Kevin’s twin might appreciate a matching set. Lucky I plan ahead.” The boys looked at each other, excited, and pulled their old Nikes off. As soon as he put the new sneakers on, Katie could see Kevin’s erection grow bigger than she had ever seen it. She was concerned it was going to pop out of his waistband.
Unfortunately, the teacher broke up the class into groups for the day’s activities, and Katie and Megan were separated from Kevin and Bobby. Still, Katie was happy to see Kevin unable to take his eyes off his own shoes, or her cute little pink ones, from across the room. His zipper still looked ready to give way, and his mouth was watering. If Katie wasn’t excited for the date already, she certainly was now.

As the day went on, Katie and Megan were flooded with compliments on their outfits. Unlike the previous days, Katie loved the attention her shoes were getting. People were still whispering about how the class president and valedictorian had started to dress like a schoolgirl with punky little sneakers, but she didn’t care. Every time someone noted her outfit, she was sure to mention how much she loved her new choice of footwear. She also made sure to suggest that the person get a pair themselves. She was getting incredibly turned on, seeing the change come over her classmates as she or another sneaker-wearing girl told them to buy a pair of Chucks.
Soon the whispers about Katie’s footwear choices turned to longing stares. Even a few teachers told her how much they wanted a pair. The last class of the day was Katie’s band practice, and she convinced Megan to come along knowing that there was no way the directors would even try to organize a rehearsal. She was also excited to see Maddy and Kenzie again, with their cute little red sneakers. By this point, the constant talk of Converse had Katie far too worked up to make it through the day. Sure enough, the band teachers turned on a video and let the kids play games and mess around as long as they didn’t leave the hallway. Flashing a wink to Megan, Katie grabbed Maddy and indicated toward the empty auditorium. Maddy whispered to Kenzie, and the four girls slipped inside. Immediately, Katie grabbed Maddy by her long curly brown hair and pulled her into a long passionate kiss. Maddy tensed up initially, but quickly melted into Katie’s arms and began kissing back with a fury. Kenzie looked uncomfortable, and unsure what to do, until she felt a pair of hands slide around her chest from behind, and saw Megans pink shoes step up on either side of her red ones as Megan’s hot breath gently tickled her neck. She was instantly turned on as Megan softly nibbled her ear. Her hands ran over Kenzie’s soft black dress, feeling the curves of her hips and breasts as she kissed her neck.

Katie playfully pushed Maddy over toward a group of chairs, and Maddy gladly fell into one. Katie dropped to her knees as Maddy offered her a besneakered foot. Katie didn’t waste any time with teasing, and immediately began trying to make contact with every part of the shoe she could, using her tongue and lips. The rubber soon glistened with her saliva and Maddy was shuddering due to the waves of pleasure emanating up from her new Converse.
Kenzie was watching in awe, but was jerked awake when she felt Megan’s hand sliding toward her crotch. Squirming, she quickly pulled Megan’s hand away before it reached its goal. Megan looked at her quizzically, and Kenzie blushed and shook her head. Kenzie lowered herself as modestly as possible (her dress was short, and incredibly tight), until she was kneeling at Megan’s feet. Megan pulled up a chair and offered one of her pink Chucks. Kenzie still looked unsure, so she watched Katie going to town on Maddy’s shoe for inspiration. Nervously, she touched the tip of her tongue to the rubber sidewall of the pink sneaker. Megan shuddered slightly, and nodded encouragingly. Kenzie seemed heartened, and began softly kissing the laces. Megan settled in and slid her fingers into her panties. She enjoyed the slow, steady teasing Kenzie was giving her, as tingles ran up from her shoes.

Meanwhile, Katie continued her torment of Maddy’s red lowtops. Furiously licking, kissing, and sucking her left shoe, Maddy had brought her right shoe up and was massaging Katie’s crotch with her toe. Quickly, Katie felt herself soaking through her panties, and deftly removed her shorts and underwear. Maddy returned to rubbing Katies pussy with her sneaker, and Katie let out a long moan. The rubber texture around the toe massaged her labia, while the smooth toecap slid over her clit. She was so wet at this point that the friction was almost nonexistent, just enough to feel wonderful. She didn’t want it to stop, but had to move Maddy’s foot in order to remove Maddy’s underwear. Her bare pussy glistened beneath her black dress, and Katie drooled at the sight. Keeping the red shoe-clad foot pressed against her most sensitive area, Katie pushed Maddy’s legs apart and dove facefirst into Maddy’s snatch. Maddy’s scream echoed around the auditorium as Katie’s tongue plunged in and out of her tight hole.

Kenzie’s loving worship of Megan’s shoe was brought to a halt by the sound of Maddy’s moan. She stared wide eyed at Katie as she went to town on her best friend. Turning back to Megan, she was suddenly faced with a bare pussy of her own. Megan had taken advantage of the distraction in order to remove her own panties and shorts. Kenzie froze. She had never done anything like this before, and wasn’t sure if she was comfortable with it. However, the constant throbbing pleasure that had started when she first laced up her new Converse the night before had loosened her inhibitions. She also noticed Katie look at her and wink, half of her face still buried in Maddy’s crotch. Kenzie gulped, and slowly lapped a drop of Megan’s juice from her soft pussy lips. Finding the taste salty but enjoyable, she started making a little more contact with her tongue. Running her tongue up Megan’s slit, she looked up to see Megan staring back, her now bare chest heaving. Taking some initiative, Kenzie reached up and began tweaking Megan’s nipples. Megan moaned and wrapped her feet behind Kenzie’s back, pulling her in to her snatch. Finally, Kenzie’s tongue penetrated Megan’s pussy, and it was Megan’s turn to scream.

Back with Katie and Maddy, Katie’s tongue was starting to tire from furiously rubbing Maddy’s clit. Discarding the chair, they both laid down on the stage. They both had several fingers buried in their own pussies, and pulled each others’ legs in close. Lined up to scissor, they were able to rub the sole of one of their shoes against the crotch of the other. The rough soles rubbing against their clits sent them each over the top. A small puddle of their fluids was collecting on the stage where each had dripped or squirted. Still going strong however, Katie pointed her toe and pressed in, feeling her whole foot split the lips of Maddy’s tight cunt and slide in. Maddy gaped, unable to even scream at this point, and quickly returned the favor. Katie could feel the muscles of Maddy’s vaginal walls as her foot slid in, and slowly back out. Each of them was putting their whole toe, and halfway up the arch, into the other’s pussy. Katie realized that Maddy was fairly inexperienced with Converse, and likely had no idea about the way they could always fit inside without stretching her out or hurting her.

Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

By this point, Kenzie had reached a steady rhythm with her tongue against Megan’s clit. However, after watching the other girls go nuts on each other, Megan was ready to step things up. Unhooking her legs and standing up, she grabbed Kenzie and pulled her standing. Kenzie shouted out, and stumbled away, trying to hide her crotch. Megan clasped her hand to her own mouth, and Katie and Maddy stopped sneaker fucking to stare in awe. Kenzie had tried to hide it, but her skirt was clearly lifted in the front, giving everyone a clear view of a 6 inch, fully erect penis sticking out the bottom. Kenzie turned redder than her shoes, and ran into a tiny practice room. The other three girls were floored. After a few minutes, Katie decided to go after her. Carefully opening the door to the room, she saw Kenzie sitting on a piano bench with an old music folder covering her lap. She had clearly been crying.

“Kenzie, are you okay?” Katie asked. Kenzie nodded, but still didn’t look up. Katie walked over and sat next to her on the bench. “Kenzie, I know this must be hard for you, but can you please explain to me what just happened? I want to understand, and I want to hear it from you.”
“I’m a girl, Katie, I swear” Kenzie said finally, after taking a deep breath.
“Of course you are, Kenzie!” Katie said.
“No, seriously” Kenzie said, with a little more force. “I’m..Oh screw it, look!” Kenzie said, lifting her skirt. Katie could barely stifle her gasp. Kenzie was sporting a fully erect, fairly average sized penis, and beneath it was a very small scrotum. Barely the size of two marbles. Then Kenzie spread her legs and lifted her package. Sure enough, right where the scrotum ended there was a fully formed vagina, complete with clitoris. “I’m technically a hermaphrodite,” Kenzie explained “but by male genitals didn’t fully form. I don’t produce sperm, but beyond that they are complete. The thing is, I’ve never gotten an erection before. Not in my entire life. It’s always been tiny and wrinkled and easily hidden. I don’t know what happened.” Kenzie sounded scared. “It’s these shoes. Ever since I put them on, I’ve felt wonderful, but so incredibly turned on. I can’t believe I just ate out a girl!”
“Well then I assume you are into guys right?” Katie asked softly.
“Yeah. But I’ve only ever had one boyfriend, and he left as soon as he saw this,” Kenzie said, gesturing at her boner. “Fortunately I met him at summer camp, so he couldn’t spread it to the entire school. Maddy is the only one other than my parents that know.”
Katie was struggling to register the information. She was shocked, but couldn’t help but stare at Kenzie’s beautiful penis.
“Look Kenzie, I know it’s not my place, but this seems like a bit of a blessing! You can be with anyone and do anything you want! You just need to try.” Katie said softly, sliding her hand up Kenzie’s leg. Kenzie smiled, looking more comfortable.

“You know, a week ago this would have been the worst day of my life, but I’ll be damned if I’m not turned on right now” Kenzie laughed. She looked at her sneakers, and squeaked the toes together. She shuddered and her dick jumped. “I guess I owe it to Megan to finish the job, don’t I? I just don’t know if I’m ready, or if I’ll even be able to.”
Katie finally gave in to temptation, and slit her fingers around the shaft of Kenzie’s member. Kenzie’s back arched and she bit her bottom lip. “If you’re unsure of yourself, then let’s experiment a little bit here,” Katie whispered, “just the two of us.” She slowly began sliding her hand up and down Kenzie’s erection. Kenzie could only whimper, but nodded. The sensation of a handjob was entirely new to her, and though she was nervous, she was straining to make more contact with her dick. Katie leaned in and kissed her, still slowly jerking her off. Kenzie’s body was shuddering, and she plunged her tongue into Katie’s mouth. Then, Katie decided it was a good opportunity for a first time for both of them. Sliding to her knees, she placed the head of Kenzie’s cock between her lips. Prodding and testing with her tongue, she slowly slid forward, taking as much as she could into her mouth. She gagged a little, but found the texture and taste oddly satisfying. Katie began to bob her head, while working her tongue around the head inside her mouth. Glancing up, Kenzie was stunned, unable to make a sound as her body struggled to handle the sensations. Remembering what Kenzie had said about never having a real boyfriend, Katie realized that Kenzie needed experience with both areas. Popping Kenzie’s cock out of her mouth, she grabbed it gently and continued to slowly jerk it while she lifted it up. Using her other hand, she slid a finger into Kenzie’s tight pussy. Finally getting over her initial shock, Kenzie let out a shuddering moan. Having never masturbated, nor even had an erection, Kenzie was going crazy. Katie pressed her lips against the head of Kenzie’s cock, and slowly ran her tongue down the underside. Reaching her undersized balls, she gently sucked each one into her mouth in turn, before continuing past and flicking her clit with her tongue. Kenzie would have come out of the chair if Katie didn’t have such a secure hold on her dick. Katie alternated plunging her fingers into Kenzie’s pussy and jerking her cock, all while sucking her clit.

“Oh god, Katie, I think I’m gonna… Oh god!” Kenzie gasped out. Katie pulled her face away, and looked around. Pulling her fingers out of Kenzie’s slit, she yanked one of her pink Chucks off, as well as one of Kenzie’s red ones. Weighing the choices, she took the pink one and pressed the toe against Kenzie’s tight gash. The tip sank in, and slowly the shoe disappeared into Kenzie. She screamed and started to buck her hips. Katie barely had time to slide the red sneaker over Kenzie’s dick before she released a torrent from both sets of genitals. Juices poured out of her pussy around Katie’s shoe, and jets of cum shot deep into the toe of the red sneaker, and poured back down into the heel. Katie couldn’t help but stare with envy at the beautiful double orgasm. Kenzie’s head lolled back as she struggled to retain consciousness. Her chest heaving like she had run a marathon, Kenzie looked down at the mess. Feeling around under her, her hand brushed against the heel of Katie’s shoe, still stuck halfway in her pussy. Tensing up, she squeezed it out, and held it up. It was still dripping. Katie popped up in front of her with an eyebrow raised. She leaned in and began to lick Kenzie’s juices off the canvas and rubber. To her surprise, Kenzie joined her. Together they lapped up the liquid until the pink lowtop was mostly clean. Putting it down, Katie carefully pulled the sneaker off Kenzie’s still-erect penis. The whole heel was full of thick white cum. Kenzie brought it up close to her face, looking at the full shoe. She cautiously dipped a finger in, and brought it up to her mouth. Her eyes lit up, and suddenly she had a mischievous look on her face. Pulling the shoe away from Katie, she tipped it back and poured most of the cum into her mouth. Katie couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Kenzie looked at Katie and grinned, before gulping down the massive load and smacking her lips.

“Hey, it’s mine anyway, right?” She said with a giggle. Katie was still stunned, but finally burst out laughing. Sliding her sneaker back on, she could feel the remaining fluids soaking through her sock. Kenzie followed suit, and a few gobs of cum squirted out of the eyelets as her bare foot slid in. Offering it up to Katie, Katie diligently licked the droplets off, loving the little white stains left on the red canvas. While Katie stood up and slid her clothes back on, Kenzie stood up and stretched, but left her still erect penis sticking out of her dress. Peeking out onto the auditorium stage, she beckoned to Katie that it was okay.
Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

Hey its been a long time but I thought I should weigh in here.....

I LOVE this story! I love how the converse have these magic powers over these girls! its so good!
Re: A Converse Fantasy Story

Did you run out of material mate? This was a very good story and I'm hoping you have more material. If you don't maybe we could give you some ideas?
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