Alert Welcome to the New Sneaker-Groups (1 Viewer)

Welcome to our Community
Creators, writers, reviewers, get your message out! Sign up with Google, GitHub, or email to join our free community and expand your reach!
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Sneaker Groups are a collection of mini site's that we call Groups, go figure. ;)

Groups are free to use, curate, and open (non-commercial). Free registration is required to start a group or post in the Groups or Creator Hub.

Free basic Groups include the following features:
  • One main discussion forum, plus 2 secondary forums
  • Fully featured editor with the ability to post threads, and polls, attachments (images, videos, audio, and embeds).
  • One Media gallery with 25 albums.
  • Full moderator and privacy options.
Starting a Group is simple, follow these steps:
  1. Register for a free account (top right register button) or use a login provider.
  2. Click the Groups navigation button
  3. Add tittle, group tagline, description, rules, and the rest of the options.
  4. We recommend setting privacy to "hidden" until you're ready to publish.
  5. Dress up your Group with an avatar and banner. Use @Freya to help with creating a site Avatar or Banner.
  6. Share your Group on social media or anywhere else.
Rules, privacy and terms of use:

All Groups fall under the terms of use, privacy policy and master rules of the Sneaker-Groups. Breaking these rules could cause removal from public view and possibly closure of your Group. Sneaker Groups allow users 13 years of age and older to register. All content posted must be for general viewing.

Complete privacy is something you can count on here! We don't collect any data other than to maintain your account. View our complete: privacy policy and terms and rules.
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