The next few moments happened in a blur for Serena.

Her balance faltered as she felt the subtle yet unmistakable push from Anne — not hard enough to cause suspicion, but clearly intentional. For a split second, Serena’s eyes widened in shock, a silent "No..." forming in her throat. Her arms flailed out, trying to grasp at nothing, her pristine new Keds slipping on the soft, embankment beneath her. Then came the inevitable.

She tumbled forward — in what felt like slow motion, her body giving way to gravity as the world seemed to tilt on its axis.

Her shoes hit the edge first, sinking slightly into the muck as she tried to stop herself from falling all the way. But it was too late; her foot slid, and she let out an involuntary, piercing shriek as she lost her balance completely.

Then, it happened.

With an audible squelch, Serena's body landed fully into the thick, unforgiving mud. The freezing cold sludge immediately enveloped her hands, her knees, her entire front. A disgusting wet, sucking noise echoed in the air as the weight of her body forced her deeper into the squishy filth. The impact sent a splash of thick brown muck up as high as her face, coating her once-snowy white blouse, staining the crisp cotton with splatters of dark brown. The front of her khaki pants, her pride and joy in tailored perfection, sank deeper, fully immersed in sticky, wet goo. The worst of it involuntarily squelched beneath her, pressing into her thighs, sliding up her sides and between her legs uncomfortably. Her brand-new Keds, those flawless white shoes she had so carefully laced up that morning, were now just murky, mud-filled masses, lost beneath the swamp-like mess she found herself in.

Serena gasped, raising her hands to her face as if to shield herself from the horror, but that only made it worse. Her hands were coated, saturated in cold, slimy filth. She blinked in disbelief, her mind racing to process what had just happened. Mud, thick and sticky, dripped from her hands, and she could already feel it soaking through her blouse, through her skin, clinging to her body like an unwelcome second skin.

“Wh-what the hell!” Serena screamed, her voice breaking with a mixture of rage and shock. Her cheeks flushed scarlet as she tried — unsuccessfully — to push herself up with her mud-soaked arms. Panic clutched at her throat as her hands slipped and slithered uselessly beneath her, sinking even further into the muddy ground. All the while, she could feel the cold, wet touch of the mud seeping deeper into her outfit. Every shift of her body made an unpleasant squelching noise as though mocking her.

No, no, no... NO!

She could feel the mud saturating her khakis completely now — sticking to every inch of fabric and clinging uncomfortably to her legs. Every time she shifted, the disgusting sludge seemed to shift with her, filling the spaces between her body and her clothes, slithering against her skin. She wanted to scream, to throw her head back and claw her way out, but all she could do was remain frozen in place, too humiliated and too utterly shocked to move.

All at once, she became hyper-aware of how disgusting she felt. The mud wasn’t just on her; it was wrapped around her, soaking through layer after layer of her expensive, hand-picked outfit, infiltrating the very thing that symbolized her flawlessness. Her beautiful white blouse was no more — it was ruined beyond repair. The soft white cotton clung wetly to her skin, now dingy and stained brown. Clumps of mud were unceremoniously streaked across her arms and chest, some even dotting her face and sticking to her hair. Her khakis, originally an elegant shade of beige, were now a sopping, muddy mess, looking more like someone had dumped her into a pit of cement. The canvas of her Keds — those flawless white Keds that she had admired only an hour ago — was now unrecognizable under the thick layer of clinging muck. They were beyond saving.

A white-hot, seething rage surged up inside her. This couldn’t be happening. Not to her.

“You idiots!” Serena shrieked, her voice trembling as hot tears of anger and humiliation threatened to spill over. “You did this on purpose!”

In the background, Anne and Beth were howling with laughter. The sound of it enraged Serena even more. She grit her teeth, trying to shove herself up again, but the mud wasn’t letting go. The more she struggled, the deeper she seemed to sink into the muck. Every time she tried to move, her hands just slid further along the wet ground, splattering more mud onto herself and her surroundings. She could feel the cold sliminess creeping up her sleeves and beneath her pants, sticking to her skin in the worst places.

Help me!" Serena spat, glaring up at Anne and Beth, who were now nearly doubled over with laughter. The girls made no attempt to come to her rescue, and why would they? They had gotten exactly what they wanted — the perfect reversal of events. Where Anne and Beth had once been the mud-caked fools, now it was Serena who was stuck wallowing in the filth, a victim of her own superiority.

Serena could feel anger bubbling beneath the surface, but it was hollowed out by the overwhelming surge of humiliation. She had prided herself on always being the best, the most put together, the most fashionable. And here she was, in all her weekend glory, rolling in mud like some dimwitted farm animal while her sworn rivals laughed at her misery. The searing embarrassment burned her from the inside; it was worse than just being dirty, worse than being cold — it was the complete loss of control, the tearing down of the flawless image she’d worked so hard to build up.

She clawed at the ground again, managing to get one foot underneath her, wincing as more mud splattered against her clothes. On trembling legs, she finally pulled herself to a standing position, but the damage was already done. The mud was caked onto her in thick, wet clumps, her once-perfect outfit now a disaster.

“I’m going to kill you two for this,” she hissed through gritted teeth, her eyes blazing with rage. She took a shaky step forward, but the mud clung to her Keds, making it difficult to walk without slipping. Each step felt squelchy and disgusting, like she was somehow sinking with every move she made, leaving her no escape.

Anne grinned slyly. “You’ll what, Serena? Ruin your own new shoes trying to catch us?”

Beth laughed loudly beside her. “Looks like someone had a great introduction to nature, huh, Serena? I’m sure you’ll love it on your Instagram. Hashtag ‘mud chic’!”

Serena could barely think straight through the haze of humiliation. She opened her mouth to scream another curse, to say anything that might salvage some shred of dignity, but she knew it was no use. The cold, heavy weight of the mud on her skin was unbearable, and so was the smugness radiating off of Anne and Beth. There was only one thing she could do.

With a frustrated scream, Serena turned and began hobbling away, the once-crisp sound of her Keds now muffled by the squishing and squelching of mud as it dragged her down with every step. Tears burned at the corners of her eyes, but she wouldn’t let them fall. Not in front of them. Not now.

As she moved further from the trail, the victorious sounds of Anne and Beth’s laughter faded into the background, replaced only by the uncomfortable squish of mud still clinging to her ruined clothing
A month passes and Serena is still fuming. One day out of school she sees Anne and Beth both prepped out in new outfits and crisp white sneakers. New Tretorns for Anne and little canvas Lacoste tennies for Beth. Serena is determined to get revenge. How does she get Anne and Beth into the mud?
A month passes and Serena is still fuming. One day out of school she sees Anne and Beth both prepped out in new outfits and crisp white sneakers. New Tretorns for Anne and little canvas Lacoste tennies for Beth. Serena is determined to get revenge. How does she get Anne and Beth into the mud?
Serena had spent the last month with that humiliating afternoon replaying in her mind like a looped nightmare. Every time she closed her eyes, she could still feel the cold, thick mud clinging to her skin, hear the mocking laughter of Anne and Beth ringing in her ears, and see their smug faces as they pranced away, leaving her wallowing in filthy humiliation.

She had scrubbed the mud from her skin, washed her hair until it gleamed again, and had thrown out the ruined outfit in a fit of rage. But no amount of scrubbing could remove the memory—or the burning need for revenge that had been festering inside her for weeks. She had to get them back, and not just to even the score. She had to destroy them the way they had destroyed her.

The opportunity came one sunny, late-fall afternoon outside of school, where Serena sat in her sleek car, idly scrolling through her phone, looking for...well, anything. Revenge was all she thought about, but the opportunity to act had eluded her—until now.

Her fingers froze mid-scroll as she spotted Anne and Beth walking across the school’s parking lot, talking animatedly and snickering at something on Anne’s phone. Serena’s eyes narrowed instantly. The two girls hadn’t changed in the past month, both as insufferably preppy and self-assured as ever. But something else caught Serena’s attention, and her gaze instantly zeroed in on their feet.

Crisp. White. Sneakers.

Anne was wearing brand-new Tretorns, the same brand she had destroyed the last time. The canvas gleamed in the late afternoon sunlight, not a speck of dirt evident on them yet. And Beth, her equally spoiled companion, strutted in a pair of newly-unveiled white Lacoste tennies—classic, simple, and endlessly preppy.

Serena’s lips twisted into a slow, malicious smile. How perfect. They couldn’t resist replacing their soiled shoes with something just as pristine to flaunt. They thought they were untouchable. But Serena saw that as an invitation. The very sight of those spotless sneakers rekindled a burning resolve deep inside her.

“Not today,” Serena whispered to herself.

Revenge had finally found its moment.


Serena leaned against the fence, acting casual as she watched Anne and Beth. They were near the old trailhead on the eastern side of the park, a spot that very few students used anymore since the nearby sports fields had become the new hangout. It struck her as the perfect place for her to make her move. The path there had recently gotten flooded with heavy rain—and if Serena had her way, the two of them would be having a much closer encounter with the mud than they expected.

She quickly pieced together a plan. This spot of the park was quiet and easy to maneuver; she'd lead them into their own demise.

Stepping forward with a smile that betrayed none of her calculations, Serena shouted out to them, “Oh, hey! Anne! Beth!”

The two girls turned, squinting slightly as they noticed Serena standing there on the edge of the trail that cut into the woods. They exchanged a glance—one that seemed to say, Why is she talking to us?

“Serena?” Anne responded, a touch of wariness in her voice. “What are you doing here?”

Serena felt the ghost of her humiliation—who delivered an olive branch after what they’d done? But this wasn’t an olive branch; it was bait. Carefully laid, perfectly timed bait. Serena plastered a warm, fake smile on her face. “I was just walking around the park and came across the most amazing photo-op spot!” She gestured toward the path leading into the woods. “Thought you two might want to check it out. It’s a gorgeous area with the leaves changing—totally Insta-worthy. Your followers would love it.”

Anne and Beth, being the social media-obsessed duo they were, exchanged an intrigued glance.

"I don't really...know about that," Beth said, hesitant. She hadn’t forgotten Serena’s humiliation in the mud and knew better than to trust her completely.

Serena could see their reluctance, but she needed them to take the bait. She tilted her head, eyes glancing at their pristine sneakers, reading their fears and vanity, twisting them to her advantage. With a light laugh, she added, “Don’t worry, it’s nowhere near the muddy parts of the park. Come on, you know I wouldn’t ruin a good pair of shoes.”

That seemed to soften them—at least slightly. After all, what would Serena have to gain from lying? Surely, she wouldn’t try anything again after the last incident.

Anne arched an eyebrow, sending Beth another glance. “I do need new content for my feed...”

“And it doesn’t hurt to scope out a new spot before it gets overly crowded,” Beth said, falling into her usual strategic blogger mode.

Serena held back her glee. Hook, line, and sinker.

“Exactly!” She clasped her hands together, motioning them along the trail, now taking slower steps. “It’s not far, just a really short walk. You’ll love it.”

Anne and Beth followed, more relaxed now with excitement about the potential location. Meanwhile, Serena kept leading them deeper into the trail. Each step brought them closer to their final destination: a small patch of the park that was beautiful in some parts, but also had a low-lying, recent mud-churned basin from the last rainfall. Just beyond the initial tree line, the trail dipped quickly, and Serena knew the terrain well. She had scoped it out the day before, identifying the perfect spot where they would inevitably fall—all she needed to do was hurry them up a bit.

Serena kept them talking as they walked further in. “Oh, we’re almost there. Just a little farther. I think you guys are going to freak over how pretty it is.”

As they neared the dip Serena had mentally marked, she casually motioned to the side. “The best shots are just down this slope. It’s a perfect frame with the autumn leaves above and everything. You’ll see once you’re down there.”

Anne stepped ahead first, peering down the incline. Just ahead was exactly what Serena had promised: a picturesque cluster of orange-red trees, their leaves framing an old wooden bench. The girls wouldn’t be able to see from this angle that the ground below was a deceptively lush mix of fallen leaves—and mud.

“Oh wow, you’re right. This’ll—” Anne began, but as she stepped forward, her foot caught a patch of partly dried leaves, and she slipped.

Her sharp gasp filled the air as her foot lost its grip on the slick ground. She reached out toward Beth to steady herself, dragging Beth down with her. They slid—neither of them catching on before it was far too late.

A soft, wet squelch echoed as both Anne and Beth tumbled forward, their feet losing traction completely as they slid right down the embankment, directly into the patch of glistening mud waiting at the bottom. Anne went down first, face contorting in horror the second she felt the mud make contact. It was thick, sucking at her, enveloping the once-perfect white Tretorns in what looked like a slow-motion travesty.

Beth followed right behind, her little canvas Lacoste sneakers meeting a similar fate. Her arms flailed uselessly as she too landed squarely in the center of the mud pit—her hands plunging helplessly into the wet, sticky mess.

For a moment, all that could be heard were sounds of sputtering disbelief and shock as the realization of what had just happened set in.

“NO!” Anne screamed, the first to yank her arm free from the mud, her voice dripping with disbelief and horror.

Beth was right behind her, trying in vain to lift one of her legs from the unforgiving sludge. “This...this is disgusting! My shoes! Oh my God, they’re ruined!” She pulled out her left foot, the once-pristine Lacoste sneaker now filled with mud nearly to the brim.

Serena could hardly hold back her laughter. She watched triumphantly from a few feet above, looking down at them, her mind replaying her feelings from a month ago. Anne and Beth had thought they were untouchable.

“Oops,” she said sweetly, folding her arms as she pretended to look concerned, her lips betraying a slight smirk. “I guess I...must have miscalculated the terrain. So strange, it didn’t even look that muddy from up here.”

Anne shot her a look filled with venom, her chest heaving with rage as she sat half-submerged in the thick mud. “You did this, didn’t you? You planned this!”

Beth was furiously shaking the mud off her hands, her face red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “You—I can’t believe you would do this. My new shoes!” She yanked her leg free again with another squelch, mud splattering onto her neatly pressed pants.

Serena shrugged, utterly unapologetic, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. “What can I say? Thought you might need a natural spa day." She sighed mockingly, looking down at their ruined outfits, slipping into her best condescending tone. "Oh dear, that looks bad. You might want to go hose down... quickly. Wouldn’t want the stains to set.”

Beth practically screamed in frustration, standing now but wobbling on shaky, mud-covered feet, sinking further with each step she attempted to take.

Anne, on the other hand, shot Serena a sizzling glare through tears of complete fury, her hands trembling as she lifted them from the surface of the muck. "We. Are. Going. To. Get. You. For. This!" she hissed between clenched teeth.

But Serena had already turned away, walking down the gravel path, her heart savoring every moment of their comeuppance as she called out over her shoulder.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll try," she yelled back with a smirk. "But you won’t win!”
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