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Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

Damn hot, please more wet or muddy keds *-*
Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

I share some of the thoughts the others have shared. I love to see Keds get muddy. (Also liked to see the same with Tretorns when they were more popular.) For me, I prefer white, canvas Keds in new or nearly-new condition. I also prefer white ankle socks with the Keds but that's not critical.

My favorite scenario is the girl/woman wearing her new, white Keds with a nice outfit (shorts, skirt, etc.), ending up in the mud when she didn't want to. I've seen it happen numerous times and the mad/pouty/frustrated reaction is simply the best. Perhaps she wore them to a county fair not anticipating the mud or ended up on a impromptu nature walk. Even more enticing is when she is trying to navigate around the mud carefully choosing each step. The moment when the pristine, white sneaker plunges into the mud and the corresponding reaction is tremendous.

For those of you that have seen girls/women get their nice white Keds muddy when they didn't want to, how did it happen? Did she wear her nice sneakers somewhere she should not have? Was she confident that she could do what she was doing and stay clean? I have some stories that I can share if you want?
Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

I recall reading a couple of your stories in the past and would love to read them and more again if you'd share.

Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

Below is one of my stories regarding muddy Keds:

Back in the early 1990’s my then girlfriend and I were going to visit my family out in the country. We stopped for lunch and our waitress asked if we were going to see the waterfall which peaked my girlfriend’s curiosity. She asked if we had time to stop and see it and while I knew where it was I had never actually been there myself. It was close by and we were told it was only a 10 minute walk.

We parked at the trailhead with the other cars and headed out. After passing another couple coming out I realized that we were kind of over-dressed for a hike despite its short distance. I had on khaki shorts and a golf shirt while Beth was wearing a white golf shirt with a pink sweater over her shoulders, pink walking shorts and brand new white canvas Keds with little white socks. I had complimented her when I picked her up and she showed off her new outfit; particularly her brand new Keds.

We strolled down the shaded path for five minutes and could hear the water. She thought it would be a great place to get some pictures. Another minute later we came to a section of the path that was washed out. There was a 15 foot stretch of mud with streaks where people had ridden their bikes through. I suggested we turn back but she really wanted to see the waterfall. We spied some stepping stones along the one side and decided to try it. I went first and made it with no problem. She went next carefully and daintily extending her Keds over the mud going from stone to stone. Her hands were out at her side as she confidently strode across. She looked so hot doing it.

We made it to the falls and got some pictures of her posing in front of the falls right at the edge of the water. Again, she was balancing on a rock and I thought she might fall in but she did not. Before we headed back she adjusted the lace on her left shoe as it was starting to come undone. She said she was glad she caught it before it started dragging on the ground getting all dirty.

We headed back up the trail and when we came to the mud patch, I went first again. I noticed that some of the stones were wet from people riding through on their bike splashing mud everywhere. I told her to be careful before she stepped out onto the first stone and she said that she was fine. She was more confident this time with a slight smile on her face. On the third stone her foot slipped and she began to lose her balance. She let out a shriek as she listed to one side. Her look of confidence immediately shifted to worry. She teetered for a moment before falling off the stone and into the near ankle deep, slippery mud. She shrieked again as she slid into the mud nearly falling to the ground. Her left foot was completely covered and ¾ of the right was too. She screamed for me to help her and I held her hand as she slogged back to dry ground.

Beth examined her once pristine shoes and declared them to be “ruined.” She blamed me for dragging her out into the woods when meanwhile this was mostly her idea. She pouted and said she had just bought them the night before. She flexed her toes upwards as the muddy water seeped back out. The socks were ruined as well. She squished with each step back up the trail repeatedly saying, “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe this.” In the parking lot, she took off the Keds and socks throwing them into a garbage can. She was not in a good mood the rest of the day.
Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

It's a shame she threw them. They would have been good yardwork shoes or something.
Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

It's a shame she threw them. They would have been good yardwork shoes or something.

True but she was not that type of girl. Always very particular about her appearance. While the Keds she was wearing that day were brand new, the pair that she had before were still in good shape; just not pristine. She never had a pair of old, beat-up dirty Keds.
Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

On another occasion I saw a woman in her early 30's at a park with her kids. She was wearing a white sweater, cropped jeans and white canvas Keds with white socks. They were walking along a small stream when mom tried to jump across at a narrow spot. The grassy area where she jumped to was real swampy and she sank pretty much to the tops of her shoes. Her right shoe came off in the muck and she ended up stepping into the mud in her white ankle sock.

She pulled the shoe out of the mud with a loud sucking noise. She trudged off to a picnic bench where she took her socks off but put the muddy Keds back on.

I don't know how new the Keds were but they looked pretty clean. What made it great for me was this: I could picture her getting ready just a few hours earlier. Pulling on her little white socks, slipping on the cute Keds and tying the laces. She looked real cute in her spring sweater and jeans. I could picture her daintily stepping around any puddles they may have encountered before the stream and probably telling her kids to be careful. I only noticed her when they were walking by the stream. She appeared to look for a narrow spot to jump across. She set her feet at the edge and leapt right foot first. She appeared shocked when she sank into the swampy muck. I can imagine the water rushing into her previously comfy tennies and the immediate shock and discomfort. Then when the right shoe came off and she stepped into the same mud in her little white sock. Total fashion disaster.

She said "oh no!" as she made her splashdown and seemed pretty miffed with the circumstances. The kids thought it was funny which did not help her mood.
Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

Another instance that I recall happened more recently. I was at a company golf outing and a woman I work with showed up to hang out for the day. She wasn't golfing but it was a free day out of the office. She was wearing a pastel blue sleeveless blouse, white shorts and white canvas Keds. The Keds looked very new. My guess is that she had only worn them a few times prior to that day.

She volunteered to help out collecting money for charity at the practice putting green. She left the sign-up area with her canister for the putting contest looking all cute and preppy. Just a few minutes later she returned muddy from the waist down. While I didn't witness the event, she cut across the grass and down a small slope towards the green and didn't notice a leak in the sprinkler system. She wiped out going down the hill landing flat on her butt. When she returned, her hands were out from her sides walking with a dejected/mad look on her face. Someone ran off to get her a change of clothes and she told us what had happened. The shorts and Keds were toast. Just the tops of laces were still white. Everything else was more or less black. She kicked off the Keds while standing there and that's when I noticed her cute little white ped-socks that I could not see when she had her shoes on. They were also about 50% muddy from where the muck leaked in.

She was really upset. Not physically hurt, just upset about the mud. She was saying, "this is so gross" and "I can't believe this!" She is the type that always tries to look nice and in fact this was the first time I had seen her in sneakers. The Keds suited her perfectly. I was looking forward to seeing her throughout the day but instead she got partially changed and left.
Re: Anyone got pictures of wet Keds*-* ?

:icon_cheesygrin: AWESOME PICS!!! thanks!!
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