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Re: Everything, Everything

Saw this last night. Nice movie, and she does wear clean, white keds in a lot of the movie. For some reason late in the movie she has on a pair of white cons. I'm wondering if this was a last minute re-shoot and they didn't think anyone would pick up on a small detail like that.
Re: Everything, Everything

Or maybe she...has more than one pair of shoes!?!?
Re: Everything, Everything

@ shineywet; Keds are made of all canvas so it would be easier to see if there was any dirt or dust that could be easily seen on her shoes especially the toe area because that is where you are more likely to get your sneakers dirty. The rubber toe on cons would not show this as well as a pair of all white canvas keds. Where the girl has an compromised immune system all white would be best for her to wear to see if she came in contact with anything that is dusty or dirty.
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