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Gold Member
Apr 21, 2003
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Somewhere in Canada
I wish Keds would go back to the white eyelets, some of my female friends complain about the silver eyelets rusting, and then staining their sneakers. Doe anyone else have a problem with this?
Re: Eyelets

I'm not a fan of the metal eyelets and I will not be buying any Keds until they change them.
Re: Eyelets

@ Carepapa; Actually it is very hard to change them, a friend of mine tried to do that, and the shoe guy said that where the sneakers were made of canvas they are easier to tear up trying to take them out and would not fit properly. He did say if she had keds that were made of leather they would be easy to do, because leather is much more durable and flexible as well. I hope they change the eyelets but keds is being really cheap with the latest editions using silver eyelets.
Re: Eyelets

Seconding Seeker on this one. The metal eyelets are cheap-looking and ugly.
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