Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Hello All,

Just thought before I post more sockless pics of my wife's Adidas Country and Country Ripple sneakers there's something I should get off my chest in regards to the past. Back in 2001 I was in my early 20's and this was about a year before I met my now wife and at that stage 00/01 I decided to study a certificate course to help further my qualifications. At that stage in time [at least here in Victoria, Australia] women's Adidas shelltoe sneakers were very popular and could be seen on girls/women regularly. Whilst doing my course I ended up meeting a girl, 18yr old Asian female just out of high school she was doing some other course at the same place I was studying and we used to arrive about the same time and our classes would end around the same time so we got to know each other. She used to wear Adidas shelltoe sneakers [in some parts of the world I think they were called Superstar] her sneakers were white leather with white insoles and dark red reflector stripes. I had a fetish for those sneakers even back then and seeing her in those esp in warmer weather she would sometimes go sockless] it really drove me wild! Could have taken a month or two but we eventually became friends, I used to drive her home [she was 18 and still didn't have her license] and then one day it happened I think it was outside her house in the car she looked at me and I looked into her eye's then we kissed and it started from there. To cut a long story short [shorter at least!] we became a couple and went out together for about a year I think it ended in late 2002 not long before I met my wife and no I didn't know her at all whilst dating this other girl in question! Anyway the relationship eventually ended after a few ups and downs mainly due to her family [most of them lived O/S and she was meant to go back there after studying and I think her father had an arranged marriage setup for her, that was a big concern for me] to this day I still miss her and do have feelings for her BUT the way life was we just couldn't be together but for the one year we spent together we did have some enjoyable times with each other and I learned a lot about love and loss. I did email her a few years ago and got a reply, she is now married with a child and lives O/S but still remembers our time together and still has some feelings for me BUT we both accepted that we couldn't be together and have left it at that but we remain thankful for that one year. Having said all of this I'm happy with my life now, I have a healthy 2yr old son and a wife so can't ask for much more than that!

Anyway during my time with that girl as mentioned she owned a pair of Adidas shelltoes and it wasn't long into our relationship that she found out about my fetish for her sneakers and feet. To my amazement she actually accepted it, I remember on one date taking off her sneakers and smelling them and her feet [she never complained or said anything] and after that she would often wear her sneakers sockless for me and let me smell them and her feet so it was a wonderful first experience for me. She eventually bought another pair of shelltoes to wear sockless for me and you will see a picture of those below, they were in white leather with blue stripes and white insoles. Sadly when we agreed to separate she kepted the blue stripe Adidas but left me with the red stripe shelltoes as a token to remember her by. Sadly I don't have them anymore I stupidly got rid of them before I married my wife around 2006 BUT I did keep a few pics, sorry there are only 3 because this was before digital cameras and I ran out of film hence only 3 pics.

Maybe someday I would like to buy another pair of shelltoes like what she had just to keep her memory alive BUT my wife has given me so many other pairs of Adidas sneakers and fetish happiness regarding sockless Adidas that I couldn't ever go back because I have lots of happiness now.

Thanks for listening [or reading I should say!] I just wanted to get that story from the past off my chest, next time I'll move onto happier things with more sockless Adidas pics of my wife.

Take care all.



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Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Hi again all,

I know I'm running behind with upload pictures but will try to do more wherever I can find the time, life has been busy with my son and work so can't always upload as often as I'd like. Also Petrock_UK asked if I could upload some pics of the insoles of my wife's gold stripe Country 2 sneakers [also known as DRC] I will do that soon, don't worry I won't forget.

As mentioned in my earlier posts my wife's feet are still a little sensitive from giving birth to our son over 2 yrs ago now, there was a little trouble with some fluid retention in her feet which is mostly gone now but she's still not quite 100% recovered so I don't push her to wear the Adidas sockless [not as much as I would like to anyway!] but just don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. During our close moments she does wear my favorite sneakers usually the orange stripe DRC and the green stripe Country Ripple [both pairs can be seen in my first ever post] but when she wears them I usually have other things on my mind if you know what I mean so I always forget to take pics but I must try to do that.

I have some new pics for you all, these were taken last week on a road trip so my wife wore these Adidas sockless for approx 10 hours, I did smell these sneakers when she removed them and it was very nice but the insoles aren't really marked yet [you can just see the outline of her feet] because these Purple stripe Adidas Country Ripple are new, I got them from ebay Europe just recently.

Hope you enjoy these and I will try to get new material soon but don't want to push my wife just yet, not until she's 100% well, in the meantime I'm just thankful for special days like this when she's feeling good!

Take care all.



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Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Very nice pictures. Glad she is doing better. She looks amazing!! Is there any chance that we can see some Adidas with some nice sheer nylons sock less? Tks again for all the posts. She looks amazing. You're very lucky.
Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Thanks for your reply Contreras129.

Very kind words! I have to agree my wife is beautiful, vibrant and yes I'm very lucky to have her! I think you asked me before for some nylon pics in the Country Ripple, I will TRY my best but can't promise anything at least for now, not until my wife is 100% I don't think I can get away with any requests unfortunately, I'm just thankful for whatever I can get but I will check my picture collection I might have some of her in nylons....

I have a series of shots attached that I may not be able to get again, these come from one of our special close moments [I'm sure you know what I mean] and these are my favorite sneakers that she wears for me, she also wears the green stripe Country Ripple and IF i can I will try to get some shots of those as well. These orange stripe Adidas Country 1 sneakers may look trashed but trust me they are NOT! I don't like trashed sneakers, in fact when I got these for my wife in Jan 08 she wore them as her everyday sneakers and also as her sports sneakers up until mid 2010 when they were getting too worn to continue wearing [I have pics to prove that fact] hence they now do their work in the bedroom. They have always been worn sockless and do smell wonderful, also I don't c.. on them because I like them to retain the smell of my wifes feet. Atm my wife's feet are a little dry looking mainly due to those complications I talked about earlier but she's still improving and will get to 100% soon I'm sure.

Hopefully petrock_uk will be happy with these as he did request insole pics when my wife took off these sneakers.

Take care all.



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Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Tks. In that case I don't want to be a bother. I should be bothering my wife lol. Having said that, I hope your wife continues to recover as well as she has been. She looks great so far.
Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Tks. In that case I don't want to be a bother. I should be bothering my wife lol. Having said that, I hope your wife continues to recover as well as she has been. She looks great so far.

Hi again Contreras129,

No problems at all, your not a bother! Hey you can only ask, I ask my wife if its the sneakers tonight and she either says 'yes' or 'no' Usually when she says no she always gives me hope for another night saying "when I feel better or soon"

I will try to get the request you asked for but unfortunately just can't promise right away. Thanks for liking the pics, I will try to get more when I can!

Take care.

Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Mega Thanks to Matt for the updates and pics.

I know what you mean about ex g/f's and their sneakers! My ex had a pair of pink Adidas Gazelles - drove me wild when she wore them..... Then I got her a pair of Blue Adidas Gazelles and then a pair of Silver striped Adidas Superstars (shelltoes). Sadly we broke up after that and she kept all her sneakers - have thought about maybe getting a pair of pink gazelles for old time's sake - but like you say - lots of happy memeories.
And anyway my g/f is on her 10th pair of superstars - so how can I complain....
But I do love the superstars with the red reflective stripes...

Matt - don't worry about being behind with your posts - I have loads of candid pics I want to post on here of my g/f and her superstars but I never seem to have the time - that and the fact that the pics are spread over three discs... One day I will...

Hope you enjoyed your road trip - 10 hours worn sockless in these gorgeous purple adidas country's - OMG - I wish I had been there to sniff them as well...
And those orange country's - WOW!
The Tgassa is very happy with these insole pics!!
I would luv to spend a little bedroom time with them....

Keep up the good work....

THE Tgassa
Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Hi Petroch,

Thanks for those kind words and I'm very pleased that you enjoyed those series of pictures, as mentioned I took the sneaker removal and insole pics with you in mind. We are almost like distant brothers you and me! We have a similar love/passion for women's Adidas sneakers and likewise I LOVE shelltoes in white with silver stripes, I used to see girls/women wearing those fairly often [over 10yrs ago now] and loved seeing them, shame those sneakers [shelltoes, country ripple, country's and gazelles] are a rare sight these days.

I understand your feelings about your ex g/f, likewise it was very hard loosing my ex g/f esp with the two sneakers she would wear for me and it did hurt loosing her along with those blue shelltoes it did effect me for years but that's life and we were just not able to be together due to life situations at the time but I remain thankful for what she gave me. Like you, your gf now has given you so much happiness with her 10 pairs of shelltoes that its best to focus on that and only look back occasionally [not dwell on the past] lets just look at it as a wonderful first experience.

That's wonderful news about the pics of your gf, I would love to see those someday but as we know 'time' is a hard thing to find these days but I"m sure you'll get around to uploading sooner or later.

Its really nice knowing that your excited and would like to smell my wife's sneakers just as much as I do, its great knowing that I'm not alone with this fetish and love for those Adidas so many thanks for those kind words once again!

Take care Petroch and I'll do my best to keep the pics coming, If only time will permit!

Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Hi All,

Just another update, got some new pics of my wife wearing her Adidas Country Ripple 'pink' stripe sneakers, most were taken without socks but in one or two pics she did have socks on, will try to get more sockless ones when I can but as usual I'm just thankful for whatever my wife can give me.

Take care all.



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Re: Hello from Australia, white leather Adidas sneaker collection of my wife.

Hi All,

Just found a few more pics of my wife in the green stripe Adidas Country Ripple, these were taken back in 09 on a trip O/S. Just for honesty sake I must admit I'm more like member good old Petrock_uk I prefer women's Adidas sneakers sockless. I recall my wife wearing one pair of the sneakers in our collection with nylons but it didn't do much for me but I can understand how it can look appealing. I will have to see if I can find any pics but for now here are a few more sockless in the green stripe Adidas CR.

Take care all.


I love these pics, her legs look amazing in those sneakers. Wow you are a lucky man
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