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Jul 26, 2010
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Got to thinking... How did other people get their interest/fetish/obsession with KEDS? Curious to find out how you all came about this. Was there a turning point, particular incident, person....?
Re: How did you get interested?

I was 3 or 4 and I saw this movie where a girl is tied to a post. They started at her feet she was wearing a pair of navy keds and then they pan out showing her tied up to a post. I thought I wish I was the one who tied her there.
Re: How did you get interested?

I’ll try to keep this short. But for me it started at age 6 or 7.

I grew up in Brooklyn in the 1950’s – all the kids played in the street then: boys and girls. If you were an older boy, you were selected to play in “the game” that was going on in the street itself. That left various play groups on the sidewalk consisting of girls from about age 4 to about age 13 and boys from about 4 to about age 9.

These groups were universally run by an older girl. She provided “day care” for the younger children, so this arrangement was blessed by the moms and she had the authority of these moms. You listened to her and obeyed her or she’d report you to your mother who would back her up. The lead girl decided what games the group would play. Quite often these were girl-oriented games.

I was smart enough to know that I was living in a female-dominated world. Although men ran the big world out there, women (mom, aunts, teachers, baby-sitters and play group leaders) ran my world. Consequently, I developed a femdom fantasy even at that age.

I also, for reasons I can only speculate, had a rubber fetish. So my fantasy, to which I masturbated even at that age, was that a group of girls would “capture” me, take me to one of the basements, tie me up, strip me and then masturbate me with something made of rubber.

It helped if that rubber something was uniquely identified with girls. Among these were rubber balls (boys played with them too, but the games we played on the sidewalk were much tamer and there was even a bouncing alphabet rhyme game that only girls played), bathing caps (this is before hair dryers so they women and girls wore them the beach and were required to wear them in public pools) and, of course, Keds sneakers.

Keds were synonymous with sneakers for girls. Only girls wore them and every girl wore them. A mom would not tell her daughter to put on her sneakers, she’d tell her to put on her Keds.

About the only thing to add is the motivation for the girls in my fantasy. It made sense that it would be fun for them to capture a boy and strip him to see what he looked like and that if they rubbed him with a rubber object like the soles of their Keds, they could make him big and hard. I had to endow the girls in my fantasy with magical powers to keep rubbing me until I felt good. At that age, I did not know that there would be a much more visible sign of male orgasm. Once I figured that out, my fantasy was off and running.

It was not until I hit puberty that I was able to try any of these things out. I did “out” myself to Mrs. Mule after we were married. She’s accepts and supports my fetish.
Re: How did you get interested?

As a 4 or 5 year old boy I remember seeing most girls wearing Keds knock-offs and boys wearing Converse type knock-offs. When I was 7 I needed a pair of white shoes with non-marking soles for badminton. My Mom took me to the local WoolWorths store where I had to go pick out a pair of white shoes for myself. I looked at the boys and girls section and ended up picking the white Keds knock-offs. At the time I knew they were girls but regardless, I wanted them for myself. As my school years went on I wore boys sneakers but always liked seeing a girl wearing any colour of Keds type shoes. During my years in high school, Keds release the white leather Champions and most girls were wearing them instead of the canvas Keds. By the time the leather Champions were released I already owned a few pairs of canvas Keds so I knew my women's shoe size. (In high school I didn't wear my Keds to school only around home for private use) One day I was walking past a Lady Footlocker and they had an amazing display of leather Keds in the display window. I stood and stared....and stared. Next thing I know I have a display pair in my hand and I'm asking the sales girl who was also wearing a pair of leather Keds if she had them in a size 10. After a few minutes she returned with a box in her hand and stood beside the cash register expecting me to come over and pay for them. I was over near the benches where you sit to try them on. We were at a stalemate, neither of us moved. Then she asked, "did you want to see them?" I replied,"no, I'd like to try them on." Gasp! She walked over, set the box on the bench and said in a snarly voice, "these are GIRLS shoes," then walked away. I slipped them on, walked around for a bit, put them back in the box and went to pay for them. It was a VERY quite transaction but I didn't care. I was the owner of a sparkly pair of women's white leather Keds, for myself of course, haha.


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Re: How did you get interested?

I can pin point exactly when my interest in KEDS began. Prior to this I didn't even like them, I thought they looked incredibly dorky. At that time cool girls never wore them. It was a long time ago when I was in college. I had been seeing this girl for a while even though she had another boyfriend. After a few months she decided to cut it off with me (I think she was just using me to get this other guy to get more serious with her). Trouble was, we had arranged that semester's classes to be together as much as possible and were even taking turns driving each other everyday. One morning she shows up in her car and she has on a navy blue pair of knock-off KEDS! I couldn't take my eyes off of them the whole ride. Right then and there I went from not liking them to being obsessed with them. Not sure how that can change. And I don't know why she even had a pair because it was prior to KEDS getting popular again (ahead of her time maybe?). But that is when it started for me. I kept wondering why it took so long for her to wear them in front of me . All I could think was why didn't you have these on all those times you went down on me. Anyway I moved on and have been married many years (my wife does wear some KEDS,knock-offs and VANS), but I still keep thinking back to that cute blond. Only now, when I think about her, she has those blue sneakers on as her head is between my knees.
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