dragon slayer j

would you buy her a pair?
(girls: reverse the genders in the post)

I know I would... In fact I am going to get her a pair for christmas. :icon_cool
Heck yes i'd buy my girl a pair of chucks!! The thought has slightly crossed my mind a few times but it was just a cheerful thought.
YOU wont regret it!In my years Ive introduced quite a few women to the
wonders of allstars and they love it .They want 2 have fun just like you
Of Course

Of Course

chucktaylor said:
YOU wont regret it!In my years Ive introduced quite a few women to the
wonders of allstars and they love it .They want 2 have fun just like you

Heck Yeah!!!

I have had this problem, at least 3 times and each time I solved it!

buy her a pair! chuchs are back since a few years so it is the best time to buy her a pair because she can't refuse to wear them because they are out of fashion.
don't think twice it's allright

don't think twice it's allright

of course my friends, i've bought her a pair of white chucks and then a pair of black chucks too. wanna know why?
I got her a pair of black high tops. I think she likes them cause shes wearing them alot too.
My girlfriend already had a pair of black low-tops when we got together last summer, which was a pretty good selling point obviously. (One thing I loved is that she had worn the Chucks before we got together (I've known her for years before we started dating), but I never saw her wear them without socks, which is my thing... that is, until our first official date :icon_eek: , which was before I had ever told her anything about my fetish... the timing blew my mind -- I thought wow, this was so meant to be! lol ) After I told her about my thing for Chucks, she told me she had been looking for a gray pair and a brown pair, which she couldn't find in any stores... so I bought them online. I gave her the gray ones right away, and on her birthday a couple months later I gave her the brown ones. I also bought a pair of pine green to give her for Christmas, but instead, for Christmas this year she dumped my ass. :icon_mad: I totally had fantasies of buying all kinds of colors and styles (Chucks, Jack Purcells, Vans, etc.) for her. (Plus, I was hoping to take lots of pictures to post here... :icon_wink ) Now I'm back to square one again... gotta find someone new to start over with. Hate that.

One other thing... when I gave her the Chucks I told her that actually they weren't a gift, instead they were still going to be mine, but that I would let her wear "my" Chucks... I was thinking I would want them back in case we did ever split up. I reminded her of that when we broke up but she doesn't want to return them. :icon_evil She asked why I wanted them back. Like she doesn't know... heh. Gotta figure out how to convince her to give them back....
route66, sorry to hear that she broke up with u. Why was that? hopefully not the fetish that drover her away. It sounded like a good relationship. Pleanty more in the sea that wear chucks mate.
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