
Staff member
Jun 12, 2003
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It's winter where I live we just had our first snow fall.

Poor old Aimee going to get real chilly spashing around in the lake now. 😛
All in the best possible taste!!

All in the best possible taste!!


That's fantasic news!! but just for us guy's outside of Canada and the US, what the hell is show?

In the winter over here in the UK we have something called snow, which falls around January - February. It's white in colour (notice the real way on how to spell this word) and if enough of it falls our country comes to a stand still!

Is this show that you speak of, like our snow?

Your comments are appriciated... ha ha ha 😀
Hahaha typo. I was so excited I used my left index finger to type.
They Had

They Had

In my Hometown they had a record 110.6 cm of snow fall in one day, it was in the middle of October. U have to be insane to love the Artic.
WOW, that's over a meter! if we get 3cm here in the UK the country comes to a stand still.
When it snows here (actually we get more ice storms than snow) I have Mrs. Mule convinced that the best footware to handle slipery sidewalks is her leather Keds RTW booties.
R U sure

R U sure

I do not think it is a good Idea for your wife to wear keds in winter she might break her neck. Better that she wear them in the house, and r u not worried about the salt ruining them. As for the snow there is almost 300 cm there now. Great for ski-dooing, (or as others call it snowmobiling) skiing downhill or cross country . Oh Garythesaint do u have much ski-dooing in the Uk I once met a Scotish professor who had a ski-doo called a spitfire that he used in the Scotland. So do u guys have any winter sports? Just curious.

Snow in the UK

Snow in the UK


We do get snow here in the UK but the majority of it falls in the highlands of Scotland. Although we do get some around February but not enough to ski on let alone skidoo!!

This is why I go to Whistler every year to get a good dose of skiing and to look at all the Canadian women in their keds!!.

Also we had a programme on the TV last night about Columbine (I think that's the right spelling for it) a school in the states where a few kids decided to shoot everyone. A real fact came out on this show about the amount of guns there are in both Canada and the US and the gun related killings that there are.

Here are the facts: In Canada there are ten million people who live there, out of that ten million there are eight million guns but only 134 gun related murders. However in the states there are about ten million guns and 11,634 reported gun related murders each year!!

The guy's in the US stated that they only have guns for protection, if this is so shouldn't the states be the safest country to live in? Aparantly not...

The other country related facts are below.

Germany: 112 gun related deaths
France: 98 related deaths
UK: 64 related deaths
New Zealand: 34 related deaths.

Nothing to do with keds but interesting I thought.
Hold it! Canada has something like 34 million not ten and I can't believe for a minute that there are 8 million guns. Where did these numbers come from?
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