
The facts came from a TV show that was on the other night called working for Columbine, a school in the US. Not to sure what the population is in Canada, but that's the figs that they quoted.
Sounds like faulty research. The current population of Canada is well over 30 million and I believe upwards of 34 million (we're small but not that small).
It was an American programme so maybe they have their figures wrong... Anyway the whole point was that the Americans seem to reach for the gun before going down the vocal road. Sounds familiar...
I believe it may have been

I believe it may have been

Garythesaint r u sure it was not Bowling for Columbine written and directed by Michael Moore. The other thing is yes we do have a population of 34 million people. And in the documentry it states that 10 million households do indeed have guns. The thing is that Canada has some of the restrictions that the UK has when it comes to firearms, whereas our neighbors to the South have almost none when it comes to firearms and such. i am not saying that people are toting a bazooka on their shoulders in the US I am saying that weapons that have no purpose for hunting are essily accessible for people to get. EG The guns used in the Columbine High school where tech 9 an easily concealed weapon that is not legal in Canada and the UK but legal in the US. Alhough the weapon is suppose to be semi-auto there are video tapes and how to books to turn that firearm into a full automatic weapon which would cause major carnage in a tight quarters such as a high school cafeteria. Tech 9 pistol guns have no purpose in Canada the weapon is too small to be used to take down game and we have ceratin laws that restrict undue injury or cruelty to an animal. That is why most Canadians do not have handguns for these weapons are not powerful enough to bring down a caribou or moose. Handguns are weapons that are meant for close quarter combat and a sidearm for military and civillian police forces. However movies, music and other mediums do overglorify the use of firearms. The thing is I would rather see a girl in Keds than a 45 Automatic.



Garythesaint and Seeker since we r haing a discussion about guns here is an issue of time life which I thought u guys would interested in its is about one week and 464 deaths by guns in the United States. The issue is "Time" July 17th, 1989 Death by Gun

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