• All email services are currently down. I hope for a fix within a day
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

Yeah, as much as I trust people on this site, I wouldn't advise posting your address publicly lol. I would suggest subscribing to the website. You get access to lots of other channels and the links forum. Also, you can receive private messages. Up to you though, I'll see what I have tonight.
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

I'm humbled to admit I have lost my job in this tough economy, and I rely on the little I can make mowing a couple lawns and such for people nearby. At least for now. (I hate doing it. Badly. I want a real job). It's tempting though.... It doesn't cost too much to subscribe, right? I'm going to go investigate.
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

No, its like $5. Also, there might be a pair of keds in your future if you can do it!
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

Wow, what a steal! I think I have one of those Visa giftcards with a little money left on it, too. So so so tempting. I'll decide in the morning. Thanks for the help! 🙂
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

Yeah, its a good deal. Lots of people contribute to the forums which is really nice. We get all kinds of nice internet finds with keds and such, and members post their own pictures of themselves with keds too! you should try it 🙂
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

I'd be so nervous to post pics with myself in them. even with just ankles. What if someone recognizes me? I'd die. Yeah, i'm overly paranoid. Give me a while, I'll probably warm up to the idea. 🙂

On another note... check out the navy Keds in post 24 of this thread. Wow.
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

I'd be so nervous to post pics with myself in them
don't worry. in order to even see the pictures, you have to become a member, so those just stumbling around the internet will not be able to randomly see you.
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

Yeah, I understand. You don't have to show your face if you don't want to. Just shots of your Keds is really what we want!
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

Thanks both of you. I posted a pic of some red knock offs I spent (or wasted, depending on how you look at it) 10 bucks on yesterday morning/afternoon.

I'm having a super bad day. Coming here and being around supporting like-minded sneaker lovers is really putting me at ease. Such relief. I appreciate this place so much.
Re: Keds pics from the net..

Re: Keds pics from the net..

Aww sorry your day sucks Alli 🙁 Well, I would say that those red knock offs are certainly not a waste! Very cute! I like them a lot.
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