These are great, quite a few new pics. I like the sightseeing ones where she is a tall building.

I have an awesome story re chucks sightings & public transport again!!!
I was on the London Underground this morning from Heathrow to West London, 3x student girls were on the train, it was 8.15am. They were all unrelated and wore white chucks, one were about size 4 but getting quite dirty. She couldnt find a seat and began hopping around the carriage. Her little chucks (low tops) squeaked as she moved on the shiny carriage floor. I plonked down opposite an Asian girl in long jeans and newish white low tops. The toes on these were starting to get dirty, she was into a book all of the journey and she didnt notice me keep staring at her feet. The other was a Lativian/Lithuanian girl in white high tops. Very slim, absolute blond and FIT. She had her college backpack and sat with what looked like her brother. SHe wore tight black jeans YUM YUM. These eastern Europeans all look the same. To top it off the carriage was full and a student girl got on at the next station and stood by the doors. She had very faded black high tops, brown cord trousers and grey sweat top. She was holding her coat as it was warm inside the train, I bet her feet were too... standing all of the way.
I hoped a seat became free so she could sit down for a closer look... NO
Hey samson2,

Any idea what search terms you used on webshots when you found the ones of the dark haired girl with the black low tops and no socks, sitting on a couch in one pic and in a chair in another? I'd like to see more from her album, chucks or not :icon_mrgr !!
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