
Gold Member
May 28, 2014
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Nothing stands out like a brand new pair of white Keds. You can spot them from a mile away.

Can you think of a time when you saw a female wearing a brand new pair of shiny white Keds somewhere where you wouldn't have expected? A place where most women wouldn't have done so as they may not have been appropriate for the surroundings? I'm not thinking of someone wearing Keds at a wedding or to a formal dinner because there could be a legitimate/medical reason.

I can think of two examples. 1.) I was on a light hike once and coming from the opposite direction were two girls in their 20's, one wearing new white canvas Keds. The trail was in decent shape but it was dirt and not ideal for sparkling white tennies. 2.) I was a county fair and saw a young mom in her 30's wearing white leather Keds with white ankle socks. It had rained recently and the ground was pretty muddy. She had mud spattered on her Keds and socks as she pushed the stroller. I could tell the Keds were new as they had that crisp look with clean (mostly) laces.

In both examples you'd wonder why they chose to wear their new Keds to these destinations.

Any examples that you have? Any idea what they may have been thinking?
I always wonder, what the hell are they thinking wearing BRAND new or even just BRIGHT WHITE Keds around the mud. Hikes and fairs are crazy dirty and will wipe out the sneaks. I LOVE seeing Keds get dirty - the dirtier the better IMHO - but LOTS of chicks I have known won't wear them after they get dirty and they end up in the back of the closet never to be seen again. Keds wash like shit these days with cheap ass glue that yellows and runs all over the place and they lose their shape after just 1 washing. So I'd prefer the hotties to grab a blue or red pair for the dirtier adventures and save the whites for dinner, movie or concert. I have seen this MANY times.
I always wonder, what the hell are they thinking wearing BRAND new or even just BRIGHT WHITE Keds around the mud. Hikes and fairs are crazy dirty and will wipe out the sneaks. I LOVE seeing Keds get dirty - the dirtier the better IMHO - but LOTS of chicks I have known won't wear them after they get dirty and they end up in the back of the closet never to be seen again. Keds wash like shit these days with cheap ass glue that yellows and runs all over the place and they lose their shape after just 1 washing. So I'd prefer the hotties to grab a blue or red pair for the dirtier adventures and save the whites for dinner, movie or concert. I have seen this MANY times.

I knew a girl that regularly wore white Keds but had a red plaid pair that she used when washing the car or if she was going somewhere where it may be dirty. She would have been the type to stop wearing a pair of white Keds that got dirty or looked bad after a washing.

Some girls react differently than others. Some may laugh off a ruined pair of white Keds while others may get pretty upset. What was the most upset you saw a girl get when she got her white Keds muddy? Was it a case where you were thinking as you watched it unfold, "what did you expect wearing those bright white Keds to ______." I've seen that and then the girl tries to blame her boyfriend or the place that they're at for not maintaining it better.
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