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Gold Member
May 28, 2014
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Earlier today I went to my local state park to enjoy the nice weather. I parked myself in my chair near a stream and was reading for awhile before a girl and her parents made their way over near where I was. I'm guessing the girl was a high school senior and they were doing her "senior photos." She was wearing a powder blue top, short white skirt and white Keds eyelets. Seeing the white in the blue label told me they were the newer variety.

Her dad was taking pictures of her around some trees, on a picnic table and near some other scenic landmarks. The dad managed to cross the stream on some stepping stones so he could he could get her pictures near the water. The girl was pretty but a little full of herself. Constantly primping her hair and adjusting her outfit.

At any rate, dad got some pictures of her at the edge of the grass and on a large stepping stone at the edge of the water. She stepped from one stone to a second one looking very dainty and proper. As she was telling her dad what she wanted to do next, she stepped on a third stone. Despite it being large (almost 2 feet square), it was not stable. It immediately tilted forward towards the water causing her to fall in. She screamed, stumbled a few steps into the water and ended up on one knee. Under the few inches of water was another few inches of dark brown mud. Mom ran over and helped her out.

There was mud splatter on much of her skirt and top and the cute, white eyelet Keds were ruined. She was yelling at her dad for not telling her about the shaky stone. In the grass, she kicked off the Keds and her little white 'no-show' socks that were now practically black. Mom hurried her back to the car grabbing the Keds.

While the white canvas are hard to clean, I'm thinking the canvas eyelet are even more difficult. I'm guessing they are never going to be worn again.
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