inkeds said:
Seems to be Tretorn is back, which is good, because my wife just mentioned that she would love to buy a new pair, but can't find them anywhere...

They look a bit different from my wife's pair, but they have some great colors. Hopefully they are as comfortable as the originals. As far as I can tell, they ship to the US, usually taking 5-30 days (according to the "Terms and Conditions")

Let's see, Tretorn back, Vans back (although may be a disagreement there), canvas flats back, boy the 80s are in full swing. Now if Keds can recover...

Hi inkeds,

You are sooo lucky that your wife is into Tretorns. I gave my wife two pair (one white on white canvas and one white on white canvas slip on) in August of 2002. She wore them for the first time in October. It was so amazing for me to come home and see them on the floor next to her bed and know she had worn them. I went on a business trip the next day and must have jerked off ten times just thinking about her wearing them all the time!!! Then she wore them again a few weeks later. I came home from work before her and saw that her Tretorns were missing. It was so exciting to wait for her. I ran out to the car to see her in Tretorns for the first time. The great thing was that she wore them for quite awhile around the house before she took them off.
Then she didn't wear them for a long time after that. She loves sandals and wear them most of the summer but in October 2003 I couldn't stand it anymore. We were about to spend a day out shopping and I asked her to wear them. She did!!! It was so intoxicating for me!! We actually made love that afternoon while she was still wearing them!

After that she didn't wear them again for a long time. In January of this year, I asked her to wear them and she said they hurt her feet by the achilles heel, so she didn't wear them. I was really bummed. I figured that was it. I had hoped so bad that they would become her tennis shoes that she would wear all the time (this has been a fanstasy of mine forever!) but I guessed it was not to be. Then Valentine's weekend came around. We were going to a movie early on a Sunday and she was just wearing sweats. She was looking for her black pair of Nikes which are the ugliest pair of shoes ever and don't look attractive to me at all. She couldn't find them and put her Tretorns on!!! I was so excited because all morning I had been trying to get the nerve to ask her to wear them again. Later we came home and she changed to go to dinner with some friends and she was going to change her shoes but I asked her to keep them on and she did! Even better the next day we went out to lunch and she walks out wearing Tretorns without me asking! She has worn them quite a bit since then and it is great! One day she even said she was wearing her "preppy shoes for me!" Sometimes she still doesn't wear them when I ask (like on the 4th of July) but she did wear them the day before without me asking.

One more thing: I emailed and the guy who emailed me back said that August 1 Puma is going to start producing Tretorns again. Not just the gullwings but the real Nylites! So be sure to check on August 1!

Sorry so long winded. Seeker, does this count as a story? lol
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