• All email services are currently down. I hope for a fix within a day
Re: tennis fashion

I'd love for Seeker to consider your suggestions on this forum; Some other forums that are sensitive to referrer-tracking (ie: password crack sites) tend to replace the http://www.website.com/ with http://www.website.com!/ which basically screws up the link so that it's a manual call.

The lack of links is very awkward. The links forum basically has to recapitulate every other forum for no good reason. If the issue is that the HTTP referrer header points back to the site, I have an easy solution. It would be easy to have the software scan posts and remove the HTML markup from links. People could cut and paste link plain text, which is an improvement for users, yet the browser would not put a referrer header on that. Everybody wins.

Or run links through an anonymizer.

Or just do on every forum whatever is done on the links forum.
Re: tennis fashion

A well known Internet encyclopedia [link removed] defines domain name as follows:
A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet.
Which is not a link. Or an adult image.

The lack of links is very awkward. The links forum basically has to recapitulate every other forum for no good reason. If the issue is that the HTTP referrer header points back to the site, I have an easy solution. It would be easy to have the software scan posts and remove the HTML markup from links. People could cut and paste link plain text, which is an improvement for users, yet the browser would not put a referrer header on that. Everybody wins.

Or run links through an anonymizer.

Or just do on every forum whatever is done on the links forum.

First off, this is completely off topic for this thread. Moderators can post suggestions in the mod forum if they have suggestions. Other members can use the support forum.


How about you provide me with your full legal name and address so I can direct the lawyers letters to you. The no links / domain name (which BYW is required for a link to work and can be scraped) is in place on the public forums so we don't create any undo attention. The "Links Forum" cannot be viewed by the outside thus links are allowed.

Or run links through an anonymizer.
They don't work!

This part of this topic is closed, on to Tennis fashion.
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