Re: United Heath Care Web Site

Looks much like my own sneaker collection, lol.
Re: United Heath Care Web Site

So they single out Keds and make it look like that they are just the crappy sneaker while chucks are a better brand that stands apart is that generally what they are saying, about this health care provider?
Re: United Heath Care Web Site

Maybe I'm just slow, which is always a distinct possibility! But, I have absolutely no clue what point their making in that ad? - Rich:icon_bigg
The point is allegedly that Keds are ordinary and every day. Sigh, if it were only so.
Re: United Heath Care Web Site

Getting overly defensive are we? I don't think the persons in charge of that pic had in mind that they would go offend a bunch of sneakerphiles like us. I love Keds and all, but this pic, who cares? Lighten-up and have fun with it.

Here's the way I look at this picture: This health care insurance company looks to present themselves as 'dedicated' and 'people-friendly'. Think of that perky upbeat nurse in the colorful nursing scrubs among the other nurses in whites (representing the 'other' health care insurance companies).

And what is (or at least was?) the typical footwear of choice with the nurse whites?
Re: United Heath Care Web Site

I don't know what hospitial u have been but most nurses don't wear the white uniforms anymore. And you are probabley right about meaning nothing but it sure does not help Keds image. Plus i am sort of sick of cons I still see them everywhere on young females. I just like to know when Keds will get their turn.:icon_cry:
Re: United Heath Care Web Site

In a white Champs world, would red Chucks rule? Yes, according to Latham & Watkins, a mega law firm based in Los Angeles, that uses the almost identical image in the flash show on its home page.

Now if only we could have a white Champs world.

At least for Latham & Watkins, the image makes sense. Firms like Latham & Watkins are known as "white shoe law firms", which have a staid, conservative image. By comparing themselves to red Chucks, they're trying to break out of that image.

Somebody stole this idea from somebody else. I wonder who stole it from who.
Re: United Heath Care Web Site

Now that I see the law firm's photo, I don't think either one stole from anyone else. One can buy CDs of "stock photos." You have the rights to use these stock photos on a web site or for other advertising or promotional purposes.

A lot of pictures you come across on the web or in other media are copyrighted. So you can hire a photographer, or use stock photos or much of what is published by the Government is public domain. Apparently the developers of the web site for UHC and the lawyers use the same stock photo CDs. If it happens to be the same web development company, shame on them! They could have at least used some originality.

I am using the photos to make the point that Keds are used in non-sneaker advertising. Such use is authorized as fair use as is use of copyrighted snippets for the purpose of parody (otherwise the Simpons would have been sued off the air decades ago)>


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