Re: United Heath Care Web Site

Thanks for posting the Latham & Watkins photo. I didn't know how to do it.

One side of me says, the use by two companies, in very different industries, of exactly the same photo to make exactly the same point (i.e., "we're leaders, we don't follow the crowd") seems unlikely to be a conicidence. The other side of me says, how likely is it that you would see the photo on one web site, and I would see on another a few days later, and we would both know about this same web site as a place to talk about it. So unlikely coincidences are possible.
Re: United Heath Care Web Site

ORRRR, maybe they are just saying Keds and Cons are healthy and best for your feet.. Dead right there... WALK SOFTLY PEOPLE... :icon_bigg:icon_bigg
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