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I would

I would

I would like to see sweaty girls working out in sirty, sweaty & smelly chucks & slouch socks. like girls doing aerobics, school girls in gym, or cheer girls..
Hi, haven't posted in here before but thought I would add my two-penneth-worth!

My preference is new or slightly used low top chucks getting wet and messy and I also like seeing them used as sex toys. The ultimate would be wet and messy chucks used as sex toys! 🙂
Those ideas both sound good to me Sudsey. 🙂

Dont suppose you have any pictures on these two subjects??? 😛
No, unfortunately not 🙁

I only have what I have downloaded from here and also from Fhucked Nikes when I was a member.

Actually I was kinda hoping there would be some more sexual content here than there is. I am quite happy with the WAM side of things though 🙂

used as sex toys! now i would pay money for that!! she would have to have a rather large c*%t to get a chuck inside her, now there's a challenge for anyone!!

Also, like to add wet and worn chucks with two lesbians covered in baby oil! ah just the thought!!
LOL yeah that would be an amazing sight gary. 😀

Mind you i have seen girls stick bigger things than chucks where the sun dont shine. 😱 LOL
Well I hadn't imagined her fitting the sneaker right up there, but now that you mention it 😀 I am sure with enough lubricant it would fit!

Hmmmn... two oiled up lesbians playing with wet and messy chucks... what an image *swoon*
edd89 said:
Mind you i have seen girls stick bigger things than chucks where the sun dont shine. 😱 LOL

Yeah I have seen one or two like that. Makes you wonder why anyone would really want to do it really... I mean chucks you could understand... a nice high heeled pump too... 🙂
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