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Keds Memories

Keds Memories

I guess my first memories were at about 4-5 y/o when I took a pair of Keds out of my sisters closet and kept them in a gym bag under my bed. They were much too big for me so I remember stuffing the toes with tissue so I could wear them. My mother also had some PF flyers much like Keds. When I was about 10 I had a pair of deck shoes with anchors on them which I wore regularly. I was also about the same size as my grandmother and I would sneak her Keds to the basement and wear them when we visited.

I purchased my first pair of real Keds in high school. I kept them in my car. When I got to college my girlfriend and future wife went with me to buy a pair of navy Champs. We would wear matching Keds which was normal in the 80's as they were making men's Champs. I always purchased and wore women's though. Once I graduated from college and found out about mailorder and catalogs, it snowballed.

I've probably own 40-50 pairs of Keds in my life, I still buy 2-3 pairs a year. My current favorites are Leather Andie and navy blue and red canvas Champs.

my story is like the mules,,,,i masturbated with my own shoes untill puberty.then i found out about girls and their shoes were much more appealing to me...all of the hot girls in the early 1990s were wearing them.i loved the white keds look with the colored socks...i could not get enough of that.i do miss that bad!!!it seems like all the keds i see now are on non hot old girls.what the hell????i would sleep over at my friends house just so i could masturbate in his hot sisters cheerleader shoes and keds.she never found out about it but i bet she wondered about the yellow stains in them!!!i have had a collection of about 40 pairs of keds in my lifetime now, and all of them were used by hot girls.i would just aquire them.i always loved it when girls left them out on back porches and on the front porch overnite..i would find them in cars all the time at school.i would always sneak into a friends closet when i would visit them,,,they would step out of room ,,,and i would go to town!!!!sometimes i would even pop one off in them when she went to the bathroom!!!!she never knew about it...any one else have storys like mine?????
Yeah definately...thats what my fetish is, i just find whatever keds/ sneakers i can get my hands on and get off in them...its started with my moms, then she got rid of them... one night i got off in my friends sisters tretorns and his moms tennis shoes while i slept over... i snuck a pair of an ex girlfriends sketchers one night and as soon as i got home went to town... istole a pair of my stepsisters adidas and everytime i'm home and horny i have a good time, but i'm getting tired of the same shoe..now at school i am craving some girls sneakers so i'm about to go out and steal some from a girls room
Re: anyone with a fetish

i have loved keds for as long as i can remember i like them new when they get dirty i turn them into cum catchers go buy me some new ones and keep playing with my keds evry time i go to the mall i have to find a new pair love playing with my keds i will wear 3 keds at a time 2 on my feet 1 in my pants go to the mall find someone who is wearing keds watch her walking around sooner or later i will fill up my cum catching keds love my keds
Re: anyone with a fetish

Mine started in Grade school. This cute girl I liked had some Keds, and would wear the heck out of them way past the point when any other girl would have bought new ones: hole in the toe, very dirty from the dirty sand at recess, rubber outsole peeling away at the toes, etc. Naturally, seeing Champs from then on turned me on and reminded me of her. Then after awhile, (like at about high school,) my crush on her went away and just the shoes mattered.

Nowdays in college, Converse is the big thing with girls, so many of the girls I like are wearing those. I think the cycle is starting all over again with Converse... Keds are slowly fading and Converse is slowly rising in my preferences. (I'll never lose my Keds fetish, though)
Re: anyone with a fetish

Mine started when as young as I remember about shoes at about maybe 6 or 7 and we would play really hard in our Keds as well as wearing to school and church and by the end of the summer they all had holes blownout in the the toes and the rubber was teraring away. I loved seeing that.Then I had my two defining moments for having a fetish for Keds and sneakers. When I was 9 I had made close friends of the daughters who were a year older and a year younger than me, one the neighbours who worked for my father at the truck stops. So I would stay with them and she became a baby-sitter. One summer afternoon we had been playing hard outside and later resting watching TV and I became rock hard about thier Keds. My baby sitter had been over at the restaurant ..which was next door and... returned to..see my arousal. She proceeded to ask me to follow her to the back bedroom. She seemed...not upset.but nervous..there was no..why are you hard...what are you thinking..she just asked me to un-zip my shorts and my hard-on sprang out. She looked around her bedroom and bathroom a few seconds and located her Keds and jerked me off into its left The other maturbation 'lite-bulb' was when I was with my best friend playing out side when I was 10 and his dogs come tearing aroung the back of their farm house from arond the front growling and tu-of-war on on of their well worn ..holes blown out keds. My momma didnt have any Keds at the time. I started wearing his mother Keds when I was there and she was a 7 and I was at the time an 8.My Momma around when I was 13-14 get some Grasshoppers and I sneaked them all the time and masturbated and wore them when she wasn't at home.I had worn Keds Champs until I was around 8 or 9...probably was when I moved from kids sizes to adult sizes or maybe my mom just prefered buying them. I bought my first pair for mine own after I went to college. Those I just wore inside or at the lake until they got dirtier.then I started wearing them everywhere and to class.once one of my friends noticed they were girls sneakers and asked why I was wearing them I blushed,but mnothing more was said When I worked in the shoe store I measured my feet and once and for all discovered I am smaller then most men and fit womens shoe s better. Then I told my significant other and she started going along that I would wear Keds and Champs.When the Dirty Dancing 80s hit and Keds were plentiful again I bought my first pair of Keds in along time and started expanding my wardrobe to where it is. I have 20 pair now including running shoes and pretty much wear only womens sneakers and sandals.
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