Re: Keds Fan Blog

Any updates to the site? Like there hasn't been anything new since... May.

I'd like to see some more of those vintage magazine ads (those were great), and hopefully someone has some vintage TV ads somewhere.

And I did sent Keds comments about my displeasure about the newest Champs (from the sole design/comfort to lack of smaller sizes below 8 for Men's Champs). I hope they listened this time around.
Re: Keds Fan Blog

Nope, I've been too busy with other things.
Re: Keds Fan Blog

Hadn't seen this until now. Hope they see it ASAP.. but don't worry about not being able to update it. Maybe they'll see this site where plenty of people are ticked about it 🙂
Re: Keds Fan Blog

Let me at em Seeker.. I want to chew their ear about a few things mostly their Ozz dealer..:icon_mad::icon_mad:
Walk softly people..
Re: Keds Fan Blog

Its there, its running. We have collected a whopping 20 signatures and there are maybe 200 spam posts (not published) and another 50 posts not published or suitable for the site.

It was our idea to pass on comments to Keds Corp and perhaps get a better product but lack of user responce has rendered it a waste of my time.
Re: Keds Fan Blog

Hi Seeker, You only got 20 signatures, I can't believe it!!! True, I'm a hypocrite, I don't contribute anything to this site!!! So I certainly have no right to complain about anyone else! But if nothing else, than to justify my own curiousity, I must pose this question, not just to Seeker but to everyone! Is it strictly a matter of indifference or are people afraid to put their real names to it or is it something else altogether:icon_ques:icon_ques:icon_ques
Re: Keds Fan Blog

Seeker ,You have been good enough to follow thru on other peoples ideas and It is apreiciated. Digging thru this site I remember seeing ,some are givers and some are takers, You have given more than your share.
Re: Keds Fan Blog

Hey that what I'm here for but with a one man show I have to work on what I have time for and sometimes what I feel like doing 😉
Re: Keds Fan Blog

'Twas a noble effort my liege, but a doomed one.

This is sort of like those people who complain about the Government, but when you asked them why they voted that way they tell you, "Oh, I didn't vote."

No wonder Keds makes clown shoes and other ugly sneakers and have degraded the quality of the Champion to be an also-ran cheap knockoff of its former self. Keds made these changes, and nobody gave them feedback.

So in the interest of "cost containment" (make it cheaper and cheaper so the CEO can collect his bonus), they keep skimping and short-cutting materials and production. They're made in CHINA! I'm surprised they don't fall apart as soon as they are taken out of the box or burst into flames. I'd check carefully to see how much toxic materials were used in their construction.
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