Sweet_girl22au said:
Has anyone else had similar experiences? It would be cool to tell us about the chucks we have seen in detail.

Wow, I had a great experience in the bus today. I have to tell you this! Yes, the bus is always a good place to see girls in chucks. I already talked about this in a previous post. So here we go: I was sitting in the back of the bus. You know, there are those seats where people don't sit one after another. Instead people sit face-to-face. So you can watch the one sitting on the other side very good and closely. So in front of me there was this girl sitting and she was wearing those AMAZING chucks. Probably not the most trashed ones I've ever seen, but definitely the most beautiful. Those were black high-tops, original converse. They were heavily worn: The rubber was completely smooth all arround and the soles were completely worn-out (also pretty smooth, but not broken). The cloth already had a more grayish color instead of black. There were no big holes, but you could see that the cloth was beginning to disengage from the rubber on the sides. Furthermore the caps were painted all over. You could see some older paintings already fading away as well as some newer ones. So she had been painting on them for a long time. On the one shoe she had thin black shoelaces with all kinds of small colorful pearls and stuff on them. On the other one she still had the gray original shoelaces and they were frayed very much. On the same shoe she also had a short orange cord, which only went through the both eyelets right over the cap (hope you understand what I mean), so it was just going straight from one side to the other side and hanging down on the sides. There was a knot on each side, so it didn't slip out. Now the best thing was, she had her feet up on the seat most time, so I could see those chucks even better. She seemed to be bored. So she concentrated her attention on her shoes. She was looking on them very often and she played arround with that orange cord I mentioned before. Pulling it to the one side and then to the other and so on. Really interesting. And once or twice she was also rubbing her fingers against the cloth, tearing away some strands from the cloth. This was so hot to watch! I really wonder what she was thinking in that moment. A few minutes later she started to talk with her neighbor. After a while her neighbor said something like "You're so crazy. You always have to paint everything. Look, even your shoes!" She, some kind of embarrassed, answered "hey, they are inimitable!" Amazing how often you hear girls talking about there chucks. I like this. Unfortunately I had to leave the bus on the next stop. Hope I'll see her again ^^

Have to leave now...
Wow sounds like an awesome sighting. Something like that just makes time freeze when you see it. Chucks like that, which are worn down so smoothly, and very dirty, but not ripped up and broken are the most elusive to find, and a one in a million.
I propose that we have a new section for photos called "public transport" to share photos and stories of suchlike. Your reported stories Foobar are great! I too had a similar experience on a bus from Heathrow to Kingston last weekend where seats are European style and face both directions.
She was with a boyfriend (who looked 20 years older!) and she looked about 16 or 17. Her chucks were old black hightops, grey laces and white thick socks dangling. Such a distraction! They talked about rock bands and goign to gigs. Her boyfriend had white and black dirty Vans. I can still remember her now, she had brown basin haircut and braces on her teeth. Her feet dangling for 20 minutes.. I couldnt get the camera phone on them, it would be too obvious! regards
Sweet_girl22au said:
Wow sounds like an awesome sighting. Something like that just makes time freeze when you see it. Chucks like that, which are worn down so smoothly, and very dirty, but not ripped up and broken are the most elusive to find, and a one in a million.

I have to agree very much :icon_excl :icon_excl

Did you ever wonder how many of such treasures are hiding in someone's wardrobe or even leave us in the garbage container? Imagining this breaks my heart...

I propose that we have a new section for photos called "public transport" to share photos and stories of suchlike. Your reported stories Foobar are great!

Thanks mate. I enjoyed writing that down while impressions where still fresh. But I don't think we need a new section. The right location for photos like this, would be the "street shots" section.
I still think we should have a separate section for public transport. Buses, Coaches, Airplanes and trains and their terminii are excellent places to get seated chucks footage. Lots of varieties to be seen as well, mainly students of course.
foobär said:
Wow, I had a great experience in the bus today. I have to tell you this! Yes, the bus is always a good place to see girls in chucks. I already talked about this in a previous post. So here we go: I was sitting in the back of the bus. You know, there are those seats where people don't sit one after another. Instead people sit face-to-face. So you can watch the one sitting on the other side very good and closely. So in front of me there was this girl sitting and she was wearing those AMAZING chucks. Probably not the most trashed ones I've ever seen, but definitely the most beautiful. Those were black high-tops, original converse. They were heavily worn: The rubber was completely smooth all arround and the soles were completely worn-out (also pretty smooth, but not broken). The cloth already had a more grayish color instead of black. There were no big holes, but you could see that the cloth was beginning to disengage from the rubber on the sides. Furthermore the caps were painted all over. You could see some older paintings already fading away as well as some newer ones. So she had been painting on them for a long time. On the one shoe she had thin black shoelaces with all kinds of small colorful pearls and stuff on them. On the other one she still had the gray original shoelaces and they were frayed very much. On the same shoe she also had a short orange cord, which only went through the both eyelets right over the cap (hope you understand what I mean), so it was just going straight from one side to the other side and hanging down on the sides. There was a knot on each side, so it didn't slip out. Now the best thing was, she had her feet up on the seat most time, so I could see those chucks even better. She seemed to be bored. So she concentrated her attention on her shoes. She was looking on them very often and she played arround with that orange cord I mentioned before. Pulling it to the one side and then to the other and so on. Really interesting. And once or twice she was also rubbing her fingers against the cloth, tearing away some strands from the cloth. This was so hot to watch! I really wonder what she was thinking in that moment. A few minutes later she started to talk with her neighbor. After a while her neighbor said something like "You're so crazy. You always have to paint everything. Look, even your shoes!" She, some kind of embarrassed, answered "hey, they are inimitable!" Amazing how often you hear girls talking about there chucks. I like this. Unfortunately I had to leave the bus on the next stop. Hope I'll see her again ^^

Have to leave now...

I've seen this girl two times again in bus, but both times she was wearning a almost new pair of Vans instead of those great chucks she wore the first time. Let's hope she has not "replaced" her chucks and will wear them again soon. Maybe when the weather is better...

But today I've seen another girl in bus. Sitting just vis-à-vis. She was wearing a very trashed pair of black hightops. Holes on the sides, sole heavily worn down and everything. They were painted all-arround with "checked pattern". And there was something written on the cpas, but I couldn't read that (already fading away). The laces were replaced with pink ones and she had fixed things on them, like a small dice and stuff. Really cute. But best thing was, that it was heavily raining today and so those chucks were really soaked through. The cap was glossy from the water. Think her feet and socks (lime-green) must have been completely wet inside. Same for my shoes by the way ^^ She was talking with her neighbor about the holes in her jeans. Unfortunately not about the chucks *arrrgghhh*

Still I like bus journeys :icon_mrgr
i was waiting for the bus last week and a girl walked pastwearing pretty well worn chucks and a skirt so i could see all the shoes. she sat in the bus shelter just across from me. i just wanted to go over and steal her or something. :icon_mrgr
Around here its chucks worn sockless to the ground all the time. Same with superstars and reebok princesses. All of them are coated around the midsole with plenty of grime, especially after the recent snowstorm
My sighting

My sighting

Ok, while I am not a fan of real dirty chucks or any sneakers, I thought I'd share my sighting. A young girl, probably in college sat next to me on the plane today with extremly dirty black low chucks on. I mean dirty. She was a real plan looking arty type with a ring in her lower lip. Her jeans were dirty too. Some of you would have been in heaven for 2 hours.
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