very latest

very latest

Ihave just seen the pics of the Keds tied to your legs. OOOOOHHHHHH MMMYYYY!!!!! Iam just imagining my head, trapped between your legs, surrounded by Keds, and there is no escape.

holding objects

holding objects


Hey again. Thank you soooo much; I'm so glad you like the pics.
I took note of your holding an object idea. I'd be glad to. I don't find it to be weird. Are you sure you have no preference of objects? If you make a suggestion, i will try my very best to fulfill it, but i can't promise anything.
Thanks again.

Nice Pics

Nice Pics


Sorry that i took so long to reply about your pics Kedsnsuch but they are
Great pics the 003.jgp was really provoking!! I also like your navy keds. I was hoping that you would wear your laces in your sneaks but that is ok the pictures of you wearing your keds and nylons socks look great. You might want to try using some nylon rope and having your feet tied together. A little of a bondage thing, that would really be a turn on. Oh did you try e-bay looking for some red keds. Just type red keds and search you might find something. Sorry about being a pain I just love the colour red. So how did you come across this site anyway?? It is very rare to find a girl who likes keds the way you do. So what's the weather like (warm I hope). Up hear it is around -30C which makes it -22F by your standard of temperature reading. It's not bad unless we have a bad artic wind then the temperature drops down an extra 15 degrees. So what do you do for fun?? Oh bye the way I came up with another Ideal. What about dressing up like a cheerleader!? Anyway i can not wait to see your pics of you dressed up as a nurse. I bet your going to look deadly. Write when you can.


Heys again. I first found out about this site from a male friend of mine. He isn't into sneakers... he just brought it up as a joke.... He doesn't know that i like Keds.
Here in the States its about 50 F degrees. Its awfully cold north of the border.
What do I like to do for fun? Heh, i like boring things, i.e. walking, running, reading, and shopping. What do you like to do?
And as for the cheerleader idea, I'll see what I can do. I'll have to ask around for props and such, but hopefully it can be done. Write me back when you can.

What do I like to do??

What do I like to do??


Well I first like keds when my sister was a cheerleader, her and her friends would come visit and practice their cheers. I'm younger than my sister so her friends liked having me around from time to time. They sort of liked having my opinion on how they looked. I also used to date a couple of cheerleaders. Anyway what do I do? Hmmm.. well we have a couple of things in common (besides the keds) walking, reading and running (can't do much of that anymore my knee is fubar). I also Ski-doo, downhill ski, play paintball, and scuba dive. I read allot of fantasy and I'm studying history and english. I work in a computer lab which is how come I am usually writing to you so early. I had other jobs as a bartender, doorman and I was a volunteer forest-fire fighter for the Department of Forestry. I also play scrap ballhockey but not ice (can't skate to save my life, I guess I am not a very good canuck). If you have not guessed my favorite colour it's red. I also take pictures at night of the Northern Lights and a couple of lunar shots. I guess I am pretty average guy. Oh I have an idea for jimslave. Get a male barbie doll wrap rope around him and have him between your legs. I think he might like that. (I also have a querky sense of humour). Hope to here from you soon.

p.s. Can't wait for your pictures as a nurse!!

Hey what' up

Hey what' up


Just wanted to know if you are going to be publishing any pictures soon. I miss your nice legs and of course your Keds. Hope you are not having a hard time trying to get the nurses uniform. So anything new in your life? Oh what do you like to read? (Two Towers or Orlander) Drop an answer when you can. (Oh do you have any red tights I have another idea!!) 😀

I'm badk for now....

I'm badk for now....


Heys again. Sorry it took me so long to make a post. Most likely, the soonest I will be able to post more pictures will be March 24. I am going to Mexico for a week on the 16th. It should be fun (wonder if i'll see anyone in Keds there?). I'm eager to hear about your new idea. I like all different types of books; in fact, i'm working on writing one. I wish i could post some more, but I have to go. Write me back!

You have a lot of cool interests.
Have fun in mexico

Have fun in mexico


Wow, you must live realy close to the Mexican border. I bet its nice and warm down there, would you mind sending up some sunshine my way. We are going to have a snow storm later today. We are getting 20cm of snow. You wouldn't want to borrow some snow would you. Is everything going well down South? I know I asked this before but are you going to university or anything. I also write, not novels but plays. Nothing published. I also act. I like doing minor parts. A little bit afraid of having a show depend on me. So have you done any acting. You sound really intelligent (don't be shy for thy would thinkst though lady protests to much). Anyway I will tell you about the idea. Ok what do you think of this!? You dressing up as little red riding hood. I know it might sound corny dressing up as little red riding hood. But wow!! You have the legs for it (hopefully a pair of red keds 😀 ) ! Anyway I will try to think of some more ideas with your keds. (I hope you have them laced in the pictures).
Have fun on the beaches. 8)



Hi Kedsnsuch~
Just discovered the guest area...silly me Im out of touch.
Nice concepts for the photos....have you considered incorporating large balloons? There have been a couple of sets done in the members area previously using them. The tease/anticipation potential for keds stepping on and toying with balloons is wonderful.
Um, yes, there IS such a thing as a balloon fetish (but those who know of me here for a while know that (>;-P)
If worse comes to worse I can supply you with good balloons if youre intererested in a balloon set.
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