
Gold Member
May 28, 2014
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What would you do.....

You and your new girlfriend are going on an afternoon date. When you pick her up, she's wearing a knee length sundress and new, white canvas Keds.

The plan was to take a walk at a local park on a trail that leads to a waterfall. Having been there before, you know that sections of the trail can be muddy.

Do you...
1. Tell her your plans and suggest that she change into shorts and running shoes?
- or -
2. Don't say anything and use the muddy spots to see how she reacts? Maybe carry her over a particularly bad spot? And if she ends up getting muddy, show her how nice you are by getting her a new pair?
Change your hiking plans and take a less dirty route. Take in all the sundress and Keds have to offer. Even though sneakers and shorts are going to be sexy, why ruin a good thing when it is presented to you. Make sure you point out how cute she looks in the sundress and Keds. Enjoy it, sounds like no matter what, it's going to be a good day.
I agree with the change of plans idea. Instead of hiking tell her she looks so good you want to give her your undivided attention and take her to a park and stroll through a garden, or an art gallery making sure you can keep a good eye on those pristine keds. End up at a quiet cafe/bistro for a bottle of wine. If in a quiet place maybe you can convince her to put her feet/keds in your lap.
Nah, get them muddy...but when it happens, enjoy it, and then offer..."oh no, let's go take you shoe shopping and get a new pair." And as you do that, you have her try on several, telling her confidently that the Keds turn you on. See what happens.
keep quiet n enjoy the muddy Keds!!!1. w/pics!!!
What would you expect her initial reaction to be when we approach the first couple muddy spots? Apprehension? Confident that she can carefully navigate the area?
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